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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. God can do a lot between now and the 25th. Is there anything too hard for the Lord????
  2. You are allowed to feel this way because it was 3 years. Cut yourself a break and grieve. I remember dating someone and we ended up departing because he just wasn't acting right. Although it was a mutual decision, I GRIEVED!!! It took my friend to pray with me regularily...and then I began to feel better and get stronger. We are NOT robots...things affect us and God gives us time to get over it. My suggestion is to continue to go to the Lord and pour out your heart, your hurt, your anger and your disappointment to him and let him fix it. The scripture I hear is: Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I willease and relieve and refreshyour souls.] Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest (relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls. For My yoke is wholesome (useful, good--not harsh, hard, sharp, or pressing, but comfortable, gracious, and pleasant), and My burden is light and easy to be borne. (Matthew 11:28-30 AMP) You know how to contact me girly...I'm here if you need me!!!
  3. Thank you Mia, I learned this from you a LONG TIME AGO...when I first became a part of this site. You said that if God cared enough to communicate with us in a dream, He did it so we could go to Him to find out what HE is saying to US!! I found that doing this has taken my relationship with him to a whole different level. I RARELY post my dreams here. If I do, it's only when I know what the answer is already and like you said, looking for a confirmation. My heart weeps when I sense people running to others, they do not know, to find out what God is saying to THEM. I don't mean that in a disrespectful way, but if I put myself in God's position and I shared a secret with someone, just so they could come to me and spend some time with me, but they go elsewhere, my heart would be sad. I just wanted you to know that I'm happy you are reiterating this because it is so important TO God and FOR us. Blessings
  4. I don't know why, but that whole lable that we have adopted about our children being ADHD doesn't sit well with me. Children are children, some are active and some aren't AS active. When my son was little, he was a little boy that loved to get into everything. One day it just came to me to take him to the park and I did. he ran and ran and ran untl he was tired. I realized that the reason why he was chomping at the bit and getting into everything was because he was trapped in the house with me most of the day...or in the car. Times have changed. When we were little, we went outside to play so we were able to exert our energy. These days our children stay inside because of predators and it's just not safe out there anymore without us being in sight. As far as her behaviour and acting out, it begins in the crib. I've always been a disciplinarian and I exercised my authority when he was in the crib because they manipulate you early on. I've adopted "the look" and my son understood it and complied...even to this day and he's almost 20 yrs old. I agree with Anglewings...you are not a failure. It's not too late to get your authority back. You have to put some authority in your voice...not anger. you have to speak with your eyes when you look at her and say what you mean and follow through. Tell her that if she doesn't sit still she will have to go to her room or she will lose a priviledge. If she doesn't obey...FOLLOW THROUGH...with what you said. It may take a while to get the message through to her that you are NOT playing, but she will eventually get it. I believe in spankings...many people don't. Not BEATINGS, but swats on the bottom when they are not doing what they know to do. I'm not suggesting that to you if you don't believe in it because whenever I mention that everyone's minds go straight to abuse and I'm not talking abuse so PLEASE, I dont' want anyone to respond with a debate. Swats/spankings work...in my opinon...ask my brother who got them all of the time...
  5. Hey...I'm studyin for my license too Connie. My brother owns an insurance business and he wants me to be licensed so I can help him. I know how complex the test is because it's A LOT of info, but you have the "mind of Christ". His Word is in you and the Holy Spirit who is your teacher, will help. PRAISE THE LORD!!!
  6. Amen Lisa...I will be praying. We ALL should be praying consistently for our soldiers. Sometimes it's easy to continue forth with our lives and forget that there are men and women fighting or in dangerous situations. I pray Psalm 91 over them. Thank you Lord for your protection.
  7. WOW TF...God is moving quickly for you!! Praise the Lord!!!!
  8. When you mature more in the word, discernment comes with that. You may not always know what the next person will think or say, but you definately will know when to share and not to share. I remember reading something that a minister said...she said "go to the throne before going to the phone". The phone can be any line of communication that we use to tell others our problems. We should be going to the Throne FIRST! I've learned this over the years and it has helped me. If something is bothering me, I go to God now and each time he touches me in a way where it doesn't bother me anymore. When I was going to the phone and telling close friends my issues, those feelings didn't leave like that...sometimes they became worse because they began filling me with their opinions. You don't need other people to validate things to you. You will learn this as you get older. Most people don't get it anyway and they will give you advice based on THEIR life, which most times is out of control anyway. The Bible says we will know a person by the fruit that they bear. Check the fruit...and if you don't know their fruit, then don't say a word, unless God is leading you to. Be blessed...
  9. Thanks Mia...there isn't another site like this out there. I appreciate you for the vision and obeying the Lord!!
  10. Amen Connie!!!! Dream3, don't argue with your husband regarding this. It only makes matters worse. You are the one with the truth and you have nothing to prove. Arguing only adds fuel to the fire. We are commanded to stay away from "foolish disputes". But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife. (2 Timothy 2:23) This is the time to let your light shine because as we ALL know, eventually your husband will come back to his right spiritual mind. Be patient...God is at work!! for you!
  11. Amen to all!!! You are DEFIANTELY a candidate for a miracle. Do you believe? Or are you believing the report of the doctors? I leave you with a scripture that always snaps me back into the reality of God and the way HE does things... Ah Lord GOD! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee: Thou shewest lovingkindness unto thousands, and recompensest the iniquity of the fathers into the bosom of their children after them: the Great, the Mighty God, the LORD of hosts, is his name...Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me? (Jeremiah 32:17-18,27) God bless you...
  12. I LOVE Zephaniah 3...it's a scripture that many have been getting in this season.
  13. For me, procrastination would happen due to fear. I wasn't too sure about my ability or insecure that I wasn't fit for whatever was at hand. Instead of launching out into "the deep", I would sit back and do nothing...or put it off. I have to fight through that now. When I feel myself getting ready to put something off, I go full force with it. If not, then this fear will overtake me and I will never become all that God has called me to be. It's a lie of the enemy in order to cause me to be mediocre in life...at least it is in my case.
  14. Praise God Linda. I'm so proud of you!!! Glad to see you back with us. You have been missed!!
  15. What I think is that you've been treated this way for so long, you expect to be treated this way. Not only that, you have adopted the fact that you DESERVE to feel this way. People will walk over you when you allow them to. The fact of not speaking up most likely gives off a sense that you are weak (that doesn't mean that you are). There IS a way of getting your point across confidently without being rude and mean. The way that happens is being secure with who YOU are. Mistreatment and Abuse sends messages to your soul and you BECOME how people treat you. When you understand that you house the very deity of God and that you ARE a temple...a HOLY temple...you will talk, walk and act like that. It will send a different message to the people who are around you. We know in our heads that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit, but to get it in our hearts and TRULY connect with the fact that you house a SUPREME God, people will treat you differently because you will SEE yourself differently. I used to be shy and quiet as a teenager. I wasn't a doormat, but I was just quiet. When I came into the church and began understanding my purpose in God and who I was, I changed. I didn't try to change, it just happened. If I can say so myself, I am nice person, but when I'm passionate about something, I stand my ground...not in a mean way, but the person or people I'm communicating with get the message and there is no strife. Find out and UNDERSTAND who you are in Christ. The Word has a way of changing you and you begin to give off the scent of confidence and people treat you accordingly. There is NOTHING wrong with you...you just need some tweeking to understand who you are...that's all!
  16. This is the reason why we must ALWAYS study the Word of God for ourselves. Never, never, never take anybody's word to heart unless you see it in the Word of God for yourself. This "obey and keep" came because you studied Joy. I would never say NOT to go to church, but I understand where you were coming from Hindsfeet because at one point, I was there as well. God had to take me out of where I was an place me in a church that was teaching JESUS. That's all I want to hear because that's what this life is all about. Thank you for sharing this Joy. I love it when God sheds light on NEW STUFF!
  17. God could only make one like him. His inflated head didn't leave room for the others...
  18. Hindsfeet, I've not been married yet, so I've not gone through this, but for some reason God has been sending women my way with this issue. The things that I've been sharing is much of what Joy shared...keeping your eyes on the Lord. I also believe that men know when their wives are not fully satisfied with them. You may be sending off something to him that makes him NOT feel like a man. We women have SO MUCH power in the marriage and I don't think we really have a revelation of that. Do you tell him how manly he is?? Find some things that ARE manly about him (there has to be at least one) and just zero in on that and build up your man girl... I gave another friend that same advice and I haven't heard from her in over a week... Dream3...Prayerfully things are better for you...I've been still praying for you and all that you are dealing with. Please don't think we are "hijacking" your thread. I think your prayer request perked some interest here...
  19. "Booked in two weeks"??? Oh my...why did that sound a bit conceited to me. I think we've created a monster...
  20. Missouri (cute name, by the way) I didn't sense that you wanted anyone to feel sorry for you and I also know how hard it was for you to be this transparent. You hold a position in the church and that's good and maybe it's the position that keeps you NOT fitting in. I will tell you why I say that. I used to be my former pastor's assistant and I worked in the office as the church administrator. There were two types of people I dealt with. Those who were messy in their lives so it caused them to not want to be around me because I was too close to the pastor....and there were those who wanted to be seen by the pastor so they got close to me. I had MORE of those who didn't want me around them because they figured that if they said something wrong about the ministry or others, that I would tell the pastor. This was NOT the case. After I closed the office and worked my other ministries...I was a church member again...I knew how to separate the two. I'm beginning to believe that YOU are not the problem...it's those who are around you that are the problem. I have seasons where I'm alone (I'm in one right now). I don't have many people around me and a lot of what I do (movies, dinner, concert, etc.) I do alone. I love it that way because, like you, it's my time with God. I wouldn't put too much stock in what is happening right now. Continue doing what you are doing and make sure you have a friendly disposition and everything will be okay. As far as not fitting in with the family...girl, I can write a book on that. Just love them...God may be pruning and molding you. Remember David...he was a shepherd boy...all alone with the sheep and then one day he killed Goliath and then he became King.
  21. Are you involved within the church?? Could it be that you are giving off the impression that you think you are different in whatever way and you have the unseen "repellent" on that is keeping people away? I think you need to change the way you see yourself. You mentioned how you were made fun of. I'm thinking you have worn other peoples definition of you and in some unknown way, you are separating yourself from others because you are afraid of the rejection. When I first came into the church, I didn't know anyone and it seemed that everyone was in their clicks. I went to the assistant pastor and asked his advice. This is the scripture he quoted to me... A man who has friends must himself be friendly, But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. (Proverbs 18:24) When I began to smile and give off a friendly disposition, I began to make friends. The wonderful thing about the second half of the verse is that Jesus is a friend you will always have and He will NEVER let you down or make fun of you. I'm sure that once you reconcile some things within yourself and find out who God says you are, then you will see things change around you. I hope this helps. By the way...you will make some wonderful friends here so stick around...
  22. In agreement with God's will for this situation. I will say this...#1 is in direct relation to #2-4. Peace to you my sister...
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