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Everything posted by dreamster

  1. whaaa haa haa,, D in fronta big screen ,,
  2. im puttg ma fingas in mi ears h/f an sayin laa laaa im 4 u,, D has the remote,,
  3. ok u live in boulder colorado?? i only know that place becos of mork an mindy,, D film critik xrtawdanaire,,,
  4. i love the comodies,,like mash,, beverly hillbillys,,green acres,, gilligans island, etc,, helps me stay nutty
  5. fred is tha star of the show ptl,
  6. owin is correct in his assesment ,,the ch werldwide is about 60/40 or 70/30 woman 2 men ,, um i agree wiv kdre 2 ,,, ,,thats far2 much agreein, ,,, D
  7. grt i gave him marchin orders,, good 2 see those limbs moveing ,,an not just his mouth ,,,ten hutt, genD
  8. not the same a genral neeeds troops ,,,owen ,,,, wers owin,,
  9. ,,ok orsome,, i needa unit at mi place 2 ,,got a event in mi garage needs sortg . genD
  10. usa dispatched ppl 2 help, dont be suprised owin if ur called up,, gen D,,
  11. wer in a national state of emergancy, ,,wer only 4million ppl
  12. h/f the boundry books r a trilogy i think ,,of bounderies u can impliment in ur life 2 stop ppl manipulateing /dominateing/ oppressing u,, etc,, idk any details ,D
  13. james,, um yes T,,, 6 story buildings r now pan cakes, an ther modern buildgs, alotta tourists affected ,,ther r ppl walkin outta a building an sum r deceased,
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