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Everything posted by Jadams

  1. I think there are some things that God wants us to leave alone. I'm NOT saying that this is one of those things, but some things cannot be fought naturally, but spiritually. I do believe in what you said Virtuous about 2Chronicles 7:14 because if the Body of Christ would just HUMBLE themselves AND PRAY...THEN He will hear from heaven and heal our land. The Bible speaks A LOT about prayer. I'm not saying that we are NOT to do things, but I think there are those that God has called to correct the situation...there are those of us who are to pray...but everyone is to spread the Word of God to those who come across our path. I too am not worried about the Anti-Christ nor what happens because I Know God has this situation in His hands. Am I not worried to the point where I am lying around dispondent? No way...but just like Jesus and Judas...He didn't have to rebuke Judas for being an idiot, he was a part of the plan to get Jesus to the cross. The Bible speaks very candidly about these last days...there are some things we just won't be able to change because it is part of the plan for Christ's return. All of this, of course, in my humble opinion.
  2. Hmmm...both of you misinterpreted my response. I didn't mean that we shouldn't discuss this here or that this post was wrong. I said that regarding people who just talk and discuss, yet they do not pray. If I felt this post was wrong I would have NEVER responded. I don't believe in debates and I bypass things that I disagree with.
  3. Those who don't have an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying will be led astray, but that is not our problem to discuss...we need to pray instead. It's not the Presidents fault. IF IT IS TRUE and he is leading people astray "by his speeches", then it's not him, it's the people who listen. I like our new President, but I don't hang on every word that comes out of his mouth because I can't do that and hear what God is saying at the same time.
  4. I will pray praiseabba, but I think you are already IN the perfect will of God. SOMETIMES you can tell that you are by the amount of pressure that comes with it because in order to be in the center of his will it requires less of us. In "The Press"...it squeezes everything that isn't like him out and those are the most trying times. One of the things I've learned to do is to release and let go. Half the battle is won when we let go of what WE think we want and desire to do and allow what he wants to bring into our lives...in HIS order. May God give you the strength and peace that you need to go through this season of your life.
  5. Well, your attitude is little to be desired. I was only trying to help...there is much more wrong here and I cannot be of help. God bless!
  6. Pray and allow God to change his heart. I'm not sure how old you are, but you sound young. If you are old enough, you should move out because if you are still home with your parents then sadly you may have to bite the bullet and comply. Is it that you don't want to go to school at all? Or is he making you do what HE wants you to do in school. If so, why not find a class or major that you are comfortable with and enjoy and take that route. If you are college age and still at home, no parent wants their child to still be at home when they are taking care of them and not do anything. Do you have a job? If not, maybe that would help as well... This may sound harsh, but I believe its the best advice for you right now...in my opinion.
  7. I would be interested in that prayer Connie...my ex husband committed adultry against me and left me for another woman and I have a son and I don't want him to be the same way. All of the men in my ex's family left their wives for other women. You could PM me the prayer if you like. Virtuous...your response was GREAT and to the point...
  8. My question is whether or not the spouse DESIRES or is TRYING to be helped? I think that is a very important part of this. If one spouse is wanting to keep the marriage, but the other spouse that has the porn issue isn't wanting to change, the situation changes. I personally thing that porn is a form of adultry because at this point another entity has entered the marriage and has taken the focus away from the covenant that was made to the spouse. How long one puts up with the situation is up to the person because like I said, if the person with the problem with the porn isn't working towards "delieverance" then the situation is MUCH different.
  9. Keep praying...God has this...think how awesome it will be when your husband finally arrives and you will be able to share the experience with him...you are a NEW WOMAN girl!!!!
  10. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!! By the way Desiree, the scripture you have in your signature is one that I quote EVERYDAY!!!!!
  11. Yes you can D!! Try it!! Don't be afraid to love and get attached.
  12. By the way...God will NOT be mad at you no matter the decision that you make. That is condemnation and that is not of Him.
  13. By the way...God will NOT be mad at you no matter the decision that you make. That is condemnation and that is not of Him.
  14. You have choice Tolos... You first need to decided what you want. I was cheated on by my husband and because the covenant was broken and another woman/women was involved, it couldn't work for us. God doesn't want you unhappy. I'm not saying to leave him, but what I am saying is God doesn't hold a gun to your head and make you stay in something where there is no peace...He left us peace as a gift. I will pray with you that God will lead and guide you...speak to you in the inner most parts of your heart and give you peace with the right decision. Blessings to you my sister!
  15. I will pray along with you...it sounds like your daughter already knows what to do.
  16. If you haven't already spoken to someone, I wouldn't mind helping out. I'm not sure if you've received a word through someone else from God or if you received the word from God yourself. Send me a PM if you want to talk further about it. Blessings
  17. Hello Juan!! You must know that God has promised that when the famine comes, it will be HIS CHILDREN who will be prosperous. My prayer is that God gives you the wisdom you need and that He opens your eyse and be at the right place at the right time. He orders the footsteps of the righteous so you WILL end up right where you belong. The same is true for your wife...continue to seek first the kingdom of God and do NOT be anxious...you will find her and will be pleased!!
  18. I will pray with you...my question is...what was the last set of instructions that God gave you regarding your art? Make sure you have followed those instructions before asking for anything new. I'm not saying that God won't show you anything new, but sometimes all we need to do is do what was last told to us and then new instructions/visions/dreams come. What type of painting do you do? (By the way...I love your screen name)
  19. Here is a hug from me...hope things settle down for you soon. FYI...Dreamster is a guy... :snicker: : :snicker: :
  20. I'm not sure where you are getting judgement out of this because I thought we were encouraging to you. I'm not one to judge...I was trying to help you. If you feel judged I'm sorry, but maybe it isn't really us that is judgemental because we can also be judgemental of ourselves and think it's others doing it. Blessings to you my friend...may you find the happiness you are looking for. Peace!
  21. Jodi, I'm praying for Paul too. He just needs a heart softener and only God can do that. I believe He will be healed just like the other posters said.
  22. I think the scripture you are referencing Virtuous is in Psalm 37. I don't have my Bible in my office, but I think that's it. It's one of those verses in the begining of the chapter. You are right, the closer we walk with the Lord, we take on His likes and desires.
  23. Oh Vile, you have to understand Dreamster's humor. He's not making fun of your issue or others. Please don't be offended...those of us who communicate with D know how to receive him and believe me, he's not making fun at this issue at all. Most people on the site understand him. I'm proud that it's been a few days for you...keep it up and put it all in God's hands. Have you been trying to replace those thoughts with other things like playing some praise and worship music or praying? It helps...trust me!
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