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Everything posted by Jadams

  1. He will never allow a natural man to outdo HIM WOW...now isn't THAT the truth. You are a wise woman girl!!
  2. Hey, this helped me too. I've been having some minor problems with my car too and was wondering if I should be buying another car. You are right Cholette, it's "cheaper to keep her"..."her" being my car...
  3. Could it be that it's the "spiritual self"?? I would think it could mean two things: 1. Symbolic of their spiritual state (maturity level) 2. Symbolic of them spiritually (not aging like the body does) I hope this helps and I hope I'm not way off base here.
  4. Danny, 1. I would think the devil COULD show the bible to you in your dreams...he can quote scripture...even though it has a twist to it (Matthew 4) 2. I don't think the devil would want you to pray about anything. The one thing he would do is cause you to be anxious and move hastily so you will get off track. 3. I don't believe God will change his plans because they are already FINISHED. It is US that move off of the mark and God has to work EVERYTHING into his plan...nothing takes God by surprise. I'm reminded of a scripture in Psalm (139??) that says that all the days of our life our placed in a book. To me that means the path that our lives dont' change..he knows where we will detour and where we will become stagnant...His plans are constant, in my opinion. God said in the Bible "I AM THE LORD AND I CHANGE NOT"... I hope this helps...I hope someone else chimes it as well.
  5. You need to get go into warfare and get it out!! That is a real situation. When I lived in my other apartment, everytime the maintenance man would come and fix something in my place, that night I would have that same thing...something laying on my back and pressing me down. I couldn't open my mouth or anything. When I could finally get up...I went for it and starting taking my stand and position in Christ and they left. I finally understood that I needed to anoint my doors so they would be stripped off of anyone who would come across the threshold. It worked because it was hard for him to come into my apartment. When he did, I no longer had that presence again. GOD IS REAL!
  6. Good word iamfree42!!! That blessed me!
  7. Me too LovetoWorshipJesus! It's right on my cheek. I used to have problems with Eczema and then I "outgrew" it. I've had tons of stress lately and I have a big patch on my cheek... I will pray for you!!!
  8. WOW Hillobeans...you said what I was trying to form the words to say all this time. Each time I've read the posts about your director LovetoWorship, my first thought was to say "make sure you take a look at yourself before getting upset". Just like Hillobeans, I'm not saying that you are the problem, but I've learn over the years that whenever there is conflict, the first person to look at and deal with is self...not the other person. Could it be that God has allowed this person in your life to press out some things that are inside of you so you can go to the next level in your life? You seem to be in the "press"...that place where all those imperfections or unproductive things are inside that God wants out. If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong, but please look at self to make sure you haven't slacked off in some areas and when or if everything is fine...according to the Holy Spirit, then you are in a warfare. I hope you receive this in love.
  9. Thank you LovetoWorship...you are right, blessings are raining!! I'm learning that praise is powerful...we need to do that more...not to "get" from God, but to bless his holy name.
  10. Awwww...that's sad...will they put you on the program next time?
  11. I just prayed for you. You can't fail God Seeker...you really can't. His love for us is unconditional and LOVE NEVER FAILS!!! You are okay...it's just a season...a moment...and a time in your life. Relax in God's love for you and ride this out and watch the Lord's blessings overflow for you...
  12. Awwww...I will be praying for you. What song will you be ministering?
  13. I heard this story on my local news and I cried!! How in the WORLD could anyone do this. I have been praying for this baby all day...
  14. Praise the Lord!!!!! My friends baby had the same thing and was in a brace for a while. I'm so happy that you have seen the glory of the Lord!
  15. WOW Choletee...That helped me. I just kicked my boyfriend to the curb because I feel that there is someone better for me out there, somewhere. I think I tried fixing him too, but he wouldn't fix. It took some circumstances to open my eyes...right before we were going to get married. Thank you for sharing about Adam and Eve...I will go back to that story to see if God opens it up for me.
  16. Is the proper name of that spirit "gay spirit" or is it all the spirit of lust? In my opinion, call it what it is...it's lust and gay is just another form of that spirit. I will be praying with you and standing in agreement because there is nothing like that spirit of lust...it is relentless. You may need to go on a fast because while I was reading your message I heard "This kind only comes out by prayer and fasting". If this is something that you have dealt with in the past and it is RE-appearing...you may need to nip this thing in the bud and cast it out while fasting. I totally agree with Virtuous...the very thing we pray out against seems to TRY to come back and test us. I think it comes to discourage us to see if we will stand our ground. If you keep pressing you will out last it. By the way...I'm in agreement with you, as well, for your help meet however, it's not the remedy for this spirit of lust.
  17. Thank you...God bless you and I'm happy that God is working things out with you and your momma.
  18. Oh my....you are so silly!! I will be praying for you...you have favor!!!
  19. Very good word Virtuous!!! I would like to add to Claire that if the guy you are with is of God and is for you...YOU can't do anything to ruin it or to lose it. If it's for a season that he leaves, he will come back because he will be of God. Reading your story tells me that even if he is the one, there needs to be some work done inside of you because marriage won't change your issues...sometimes they will magnify them. You want your marriage to whoever God has for you to be FOREVER...not something that will satisfy your desire to be married or to have someone to work in ministry with you. As you may know, ministry can be trying and time consuming...the two of you need to be on a solid foundation so things won't crumble. As women we need to focus more on the longevity of the relationship instead of the "now" part of it. We want to be married NOW, but do we have inside of us what it takes to keep the relationship going forever? We are the HELP MATE...the LIFE GIVER...if we are still dealing with our own insecurities and issues, how can we HELP him and GIVE LIFE to him? Just some other things to think about. I prayed for you before typing this out. You have received some good advice here...as well as some good prayers...take heed...your prayers are being answered right here.
  20. I'm seeking the same thing Seeker...I have been for years. I'm not sure if God really desires to give me that or not because I REALLY have been praying. Regardless, I will stand in agreement with YOU because I know where you are coming from.
  21. I'm telling all of you it took the hard times and me showing God that I will maintain my joy and love for him and will continue to follow him and not turn back into the world that now he is pouring out his blessings all over me. I am blessed just by waking up every morning, everything I've mentioned is just a double blessing. You have blessed my soul TREMENDOUSLY!!!!! Thank you for sharing...you just don't know how prophetic this is for me... I am in awe of God on how He has given you the "holy handshake" which isn't done AT ALL these days. That shows you that God's favor is REAL!!!!
  22. WOW! I feel your pain, but let me say that your fight is NOT against flesh and blood, but against evil powers and spiritual wickedness in high places. God saw her before you got there and needed your light. Before praying for her to be removed, ask God is there something that you can say to her that will minister to her heart. People are evil acting not because they are evil, but because they have issues. I worked with TWO supervisors on my previous job and they picked on me for TWO YEARS!!! They tried to get me fired by planting wrong information into the system under my name so I could be let go, but God wouldn't let it happen. I am grateful to say that when I learned to pray for them and hold my peace, BOTH of them were fired on the same day. I will pray for YOUR peace and I will pray for Mildred Lowes healing because that's what she needs. I hope you receive this in the love that I meant to say it in.
  23. That is beautiful. How many people would have said no to taking someone they didn't know into their car? I know I would have been a little leary of doing that, but you obeyed God's voice when He told you she needed help. God can trust you to be a blessing out of your blessings...that is awesome!!
  24. WOW Escogida, you have expressed something that is not only happening in YOUR congregation. I am recently divorced and I've noticed the same thing. Even while being married I used to say, what about the singles? I think there needs to be MORE enrichment classes for the singles than anything else because, as you mentioned, many are losing hope and settling or just throwing their hands up and saying God doesn't care. Since there isn't much for me in my unmarried state right now, it has allotted me the time to sit at the feet of God and learn from him. All we can do is pray and believe God that he is putting some things together for us. Believe this...if we are feeling the deficit in the amount of info that is out there, you KNOW He does. i look forward to what others have to say about this. Great topic!!!
  25. Sadly Butterfly it seems that you may only be saddened because people don't agree with your opinions. Just because you post something, doesn't mean that everyone will agree with you. I've read some of your other posts and you always post YOUR opinion and the moment someone disagrees it turns pitiful. We ALL have opinions and they won't always agree with yours. I CHOOSE to trust God...I choose to involve myself with the things that God is leading me to involve myself with. I can say that I'm saddened that you can't accept that people just don't and won't always agree with you. If and when God lays something on my heart to do then I will do it. This is probably something you are called to shout and maybe this site is not the place for you to get the message out to. There may be those here who agree with you...and that's fine...it's their perogative, but you have to respect those who don't agree. As far as your comment about us reaping the consequences of refusing to inform ourselves...hmmm, that's your opinion...only God determines my consequences and I clearly remember a man named Jesus who bore my consequences on the cross. I don't fear consequences...I fear and respect a loving God who is patient with me and who knows/understands that when and if I don't "get" or understand something, he waits or makes sures I do "get it". This is so sad to me...really sad!
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