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Everything posted by HisLightbeam

  1. JBS, I would definitely continue to pray for the little girl and we can stand in agreement with you that these people's eyes and ears are opened spiritually, because they are blinded by the god of this age. I would still bring Amy a little gift, but now, I would just ease away from these people as close friends or even friends, especially if they are stridently against Christ. But I would still be nice to them. Sometimes, that is what it takes to bring someone to Christ. Sometimes, you will not see the seed grow, but you are watering it with your kindness. It may be that one in that family may ask you for prayer or see your light in such a way that they may want to emulate you. Or it might make them jealous of you. Any ole way, the only way Amy would see my kid from then on is in the comfort of my own home. I would definitely get some contact oil and put it on myself and my kid, and whenever we had contact, I would believe God for deliverance.
  2. Dear Kimie - I am not saying that this man is not a true prophet of God, but I am saying that prophets can miss what God is saying too. That's why we have to be careful what we say to people when we get ready to say, "Thus says the Lord..." If your spirit was not in agreement with what the man said - and you will know, because your living water will reject it - then maybe the Lord is testing you to see if you will hold fast to His word, Deuteronomy 13, or He is testing you with His word while He is bringing His word to pass. I got that from Psalm 105:1-19. Also, there is wisdom in a multitude of counsel, so pray on what I and the next person is going to say. I know that a man that I met from Houston had the prophetic gifting, but was living a perverse lifestyle. God give gifts without repentance, after all. He (the man) told me my Boaz was not my husband and that he (the man) was. Now, I had seen enough to know that he (the man) did have the gift, but the Spirit man in me absolutely rejected what he said. In fact, I started having to actively avoid the man. He was so angry with me, that he tried to do harm to me, followed me to my church, and I had to end up informing security of this issue. That perverse spirit was trying to hinder me. But I was chaste, and the Lord took care of me. See, no one knows the motives of the heart like the Lord. But He will not let you miss the mark, and definitely not let you miss His word. So you may want to just fast for your faith to be strengthened. But hold on to what you know that God has told you. You want to make sure that you heard your word for the husband that God gave to you, but honestly, we all know when a word is spoken that is for us, because the spirit rejoices in us. Not just the natural man. The spirit leaps in us. Just as when we hear a false word, the spirit seems to push it away from us. You know? No worries. God will never let you miss your destiny, especially if you are pursuing God and not the things He has for you. He will make it so that you will walk right into your destiny. We really make it harder than it has to be. We try to get everything right, and when we stumble, we think we have done irrepairable damage to our futures. But when God shows us a vision, it is for an appointed time, and it will not happen any sooner, or any later than the season it is supposed to happen in. He also sees all of the possibilities of what may happen before we get to that appointed time. Seeing, then, that He knows the end from the beginning, it does us no good to worry and try to help God with His plan. It is His plan, and it is good, and for our good. Jeremiah 29:11. All He wants us to do is use our faith, and do our works that He made for us to do before the beginning of time, which is healing, cleansing, casting out devils, feeding the hungry. These things come from the heart of God, and can truly only be done in love. And He has already done the rest.
  3. Um, Well, dreamy one, people do what they want to do, say what they want, believe what they want; can't change that. you can only be honest and tender, and try to be conciliatory. If it doesn't work, then you have done what you should in a situation. That's all. Can someone lock this post, so that we can continue to move forward? We have tried to do what is right, and there is no sense in now dwelling on this situation. That's not good, and we won't gain anything, just because Temi would not receive us and is now gone. Hopefully, it is a lesson in wisdom, and maybe I didn't get it fully, but we cannot let the enemy of our souls speak turmoil into our ears, so that we ourselves cause division in the body. Because in a techno sort of way, we are a church. :uhoh:
  4. Yeah, we haven't dissed anyone. We are working to bring about a spirit of unity, not of strife. For God is not the author of confusion, but as in all His churches, He is a God of decency and of order. So, basically, we are encouraging the dramatic spirit of disorder to be cast out and the root of bitterness that it is causing to be plucked up and dried out and killed. The end. We love each other, and that love does cover a multitude of offenses. We are trying to cover each other, not judge each other! "The judge is standing at the door, so don't judge your brother, or else you will be judged. There is one law and one law-giver, and one judge of all." None of us are that judge that pertains to our eternal souls-whether we know who goes to heaven or hell. But we are to know who labours among us, in order to judge (or discern) their fruits. No good tree gives bad fruit, and no bad tree gives good fruit. If anyone is a bad fruit bearer, hopefully, the fellowship that we have everyday with each other will show forth the love of Christ, and have a profound effect on their heart.
  5. love you all deeply! :bighug: Back to you, Desiree, and everyone else! I keep saying it in so many ways, ya'll are some fantastic people.
  6. Yeah, Jimmy...congrats. What a special time! And yeah, sometimes there can be some different strokes up in any web hosting site. Gotta let it wash off of your back and keep going. Not going to get us caught up in the madness of the world.
  7. AMen, I second the motion. Anything else will literally have you circling the hot and empty desert, while your promised land is just across the water, a footstep away.
  8. OH, praise God. I pray that God's will be done in this situation for you, girl.
  9. Amen. Touching and agreeing, Connie, love.
  10. You are going to need wisdom, christa. No one can make this decision for you. What do you want to do? If you go to get your things, you may want to consult with local law enforcement ahead of time, with whatever paperwork you have pertaining to your husband's addiction and rehab. Idk, you might want to call and see what is needed for a police escort to get your things and give him back his. FYI, law enforcement hates to be drawn into domestic disputes. They can get hurt during those, and they know that many times, the spouse who is being mistreated is not going to go until they are truly fed up or are dead. It takes two to tango. Everyone's side is right until the other party gets to say their part. If your husband is consulting his friends, that is perfectly fine. You just stay away from them, out of the mix, and don't even speak to them. For what? He say she say is of the devil. The word of God says let your yes be yes and your no be no. Don't add to it, because anything more is the devil combining to get you caught up in mess. But you are consulting us, right? Ultimately, what you want to be is not on anyone's side, but on God's side, because God fights for justice. So, you have to make a decision according to the word, not our opinion. Is it wise to get in touch with your husband while he and his friends are inflamed, or can you have someone else garner your things for you, and you leave your husband's keys and wallet at a police department lost and found? God is not the author of confusion. I will pray that the Lord put a spirit of peace in the situation, so that you can do what you need to do while going in the direction that Father has for you, sweetheart. This is going to be easier as you continue day by day, but if you go back now, we are going to have many more posts here, or someone will be reading them somewhere else. And, btw, he will get stronger as you get weaker, because we are talking about taking a natural stance against a spiritual stance, when you should continue to battle in the spiritual against the spiritual.
  11. It is a spirit of division that is running rapid...not just this site, but in the body of Christ. Everyone is on edge for some reason and it's sad to see. We are so willing to believe the worst of people instead of the best. If something is said that you don't agree with, we need to be gentle and kind, instead of grouchy and touchy. We post our dreams because evidently there is something that we don't understand so we need to be OPEN to what the spirit of God COULD BE saying that may not always make you feel good. high 5, Cholette! I was just thinking that the dreams that we have, if we would be honest with ourselves are always dreams of encouragement, but not only to come into a blessing, or to come out of a situation of turmoil, but also dreams of chastisement, for us to do better about our behaviour as children of the Most High God, and to me, a lot of times, my dreams have to do with correction and pruning, and developing the fruit of the spirit. To run away from what may be the truth is to run towards someone who will just tickle your ears and always tell you something good, but not necessarily something God for the season that you are in. Dear Lord, help me to always tell the truth and nothing but the truth. I said something to a member on a side bar, and they said it did not ring true with her; whether or not it was was up to her to know, to deny or admit. After talking with her, I never saw another post. Some people are only here to test the spirits, and some people try to guestimate our dreams. All dreams are of God, because He gave us the ability to dream. Now, there are distinctive types, like the soulish dream, the busy mind dream, the dream message from God (commonly called night visions) and visions which happen while we are awake. Whether we choose to act on any illumination that you receive is purely your prerogative. But we will, and need to say what we think in love and support, not hostility.
  12. Amen, I totally agree with you, christa. I just happened to come on to pray for us all, and I saw this post. I know that sometimes, electronic transmissions are sensitive. The right thing can be said with the wrong inflection. And that can be done without anyone having any intention of hurting someone else. Many times, we voice what are only our thoughts, or opinions on a dream. That's why we ask you to pray about what we said. not "Thus Saith the Lord". We have to be careful to make sure that we have understood what God is saying. :afro: I know this for myself. Nobody has all of God's ear, all the time. That's why Jesus had to do what He came to do. To intercede for us. Only God can give the true interpretation of a dream, everything else is just someone's thoughts, whether good or bad. We are supposed to test the spirits to see whether or not they be from God. Honestly, we need to keep that in mind. Then continue to have and cultivate the mind of Christ. I pray that anyone who may be dabbling in anything that not of God, realize that they can get more done with the word of the Lord, than by all the other ways that knowledge can come to a person combined. So on this site, we do want peace, knowledge, wisdom and understanding, because here is where we are to encourage each other's gifts and talents in the prophetic as we walk in love in Jesus Christ. So I am glad that everyone has treated each other in a gentle fashion becoming of the saints of God.
  13. KImie, I cannot wait for you to share what God is revealing to you through this conference!!! God Bless and Keep you, and keep you surrounded by His angels as you travel. I plead the blood of Jesus on you and all that you are in stewardship over from your head to your toe.
  14. THANKS, CONNIE. Never before has this town needed the Lord so much. We have the Klan, the Crips, the Bloods, the 5's, and the Church. LOL, so I know that this is spiritual. This is Louisiana, but have you ever seen a state that had so much confusion? I know that God brought me here for a reason, and I am selfishly requesting to be gone. But I make myself do what I gotta, do, because doing it is my first joy. Evangelism. I don't know why I am here, even though I am being obedient. I am tired. Thanks for all of your prayers. I think this just brought my fatigue in the struggle to the head. Thank you Father for taking control of the situation through the Holy Ghost, and bless everyone who even viewed this post with peace, and wholeness in the name of the Lord Jesus.
  15. Thank you, Ms. J. I think it has a lot to do with the gang activity around here. But we are a Christian family, and the only gang member we have got into the family through marriage. So, I am trying to give the cop a "benefit of the doubt" feel. There is so much activity, drugs and stuff, and this is a rural area-it is totally destroyed. We cannot blame anybody for what is going on in this community. We relaxed the family values. Now, most of the young men are living for Satan. We still evangelize here. I feel like screaming and screaming. I am tired, really. Know what I mean?
  16. :seespeakhear: AMen, and feeling much better now, MB, and Kimie. I know that everything happens for a reason, and even though that is a generic saying, it holds truth and relevance as always. God is still good and being good to us in this situation.
  17. Please pray for our family. An officer shot my cousin on his first couple days on the job. My cousin was just visiting and the officer was passing by and thought that some tom foolery was actually a domestic quarrel. The officer leapt out of the car and tried to put my cousin in handcuffs. Didn't ask any questions, didn't call for backup, didn't do anything that people with reasonable common sense would do even if they were not a trained officer. Everyone was asking why the officer was doing this and then my cousin turned and ran, because the officer had pulled his weapon, and the officer shot him 3 or more times in the back. The officer has been fired, and the state is investigating this shooting. We believe the officer didn't know what to do, failed to follow protocol, wasn't trained sufficiently. Two lives wasted in one moment.
  18. This is a grave situation. I know everyone is praying for you, Christa. God is a healer, deliver and provider, and look how he has given you the double portion...keep on walking, girl.
  19. I am going to say this - we can all counsel you all day, and hold your hand throught this process. We will be more than happy to. Ultimately, however, the choice is yours about what you are going to do. When seven days from now something occurs that is connected with what you choose to do today, you have to be able to say to yourself "I chose to do this, this, and this". Know what I am saying. Whether they are good or bad choices, there are rewards and consequences for every decision under the sun. It is a dangerous thing to fall into the hands of man or mental lethargy. Neither will have mercy on you, or see the situation from your side. This is a rhetorical question--"What are you going to do?" I felt he was not going to stay there, because he wasn't able to correlate your love with the rules that you were setting before him. Do this do that never works very long. The Holy Spirit is a gentleman. If your husband won't respond to the call of a relationship built on love, John 3:16, then he won't respond to it based on law. Because right now he is lawless, and the law is for the lawless, to reign them in, to deal with them punitively. So now, you have to use the natural law and its consequences to deal with the situation. However, this does not mean that you cannot sincerely forgive him and pray for him and his recovery, as well has his release from the demonic. But he has to want to be free as well, or else they will just re-enter his life with more demons. Demons like uncleanness. If he cannot stay clean, they will be back and it will be worse for him.
  20. I am glad for you. Hopefully your husband will have his spiritual eyes and ears open and realize how much better it is to be a prince in the spirit.
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