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Everything posted by HisLightbeam

  1. Cover the dreamy one with favor, Lord, I know that there are doors that you have waiting to be accessed, and Lord, we know that you are able. Confound the enemy, and give the dreamster your faith, your God-Life, abundantly, above all that he asks or thinks, according to the power that works in him. He has fallen on his knees to ask you, I am lifting my hands right now, coming boldly to your throne to ask you to open heaven and pour out a blessing that he cannot contain. I am praising you for your goodness in his time of favor, and for all the saints that are in contact with this website, for miraculous provision, for the ability to be of an excellent spirit in all we do because we represent you no matter where we go or what we do. Give us victory, provision, wisdom, light. For your glory, Lord. We call on your promises and ask that you remember them and us. In Jesus name I pray, and agree. Amen.
  2. I have prayed for something as simple as a 5.00 meal, and received it. Just had an idle thought, and it was answered. Other prayers, such as my aunt getting off of life support when the doctors said that she would not make it without the life support, that was a 48 turnaround. Other things, I have had to wait for and am still waiting on. It makes me more patient, and able to appreciate Him and the works of His hands more deeply. Some things, I will receive in the future. Mostly when I pray, I get to asking Him what I should pray for, and he points me to first peter and other passages. I feel small and inadequate when I realize I was about to pray out of motives instead of motivation, but I still have desires that I ask for just for me. I have become an intercessor. I used to have to be forced to intercede. But now, intercession moves my mind off of my own situations, and I need that relief of not thinking "When is it going to happen?" So, each time a prayer is answered, I am not too tired to enjoy it, or I don't say "glad that came, God when are you going to take care of XYZ?" >LOL.
  3. Love, it is hard for us to watch your pain, but I want to tell you that you cannot faint! We know that satan is trying to wear the saints down with all kinds of evil. he cannot overcome you, becaCode:I ben doing what I need to do and yet I still get trouble.use Jesus has already overcome the world. God hears you. You may be saying to yourself "why is this happening to me? it isn't happening to my friends, why am I losing stuff?" Love, God is still going to rescue you. Don't believe the lies. Hold fast to your confession of faith. Hold fast, I say. I want you to know that you cannot get tired. Your delivery is at hand. We by faith know this. God has never failed us yet. Be angry, but don't sin. You can wait on Him. You have the victory. you can laugh in the enemy's face, because he has already lost this battle. you have been given the victory through christ. continue to humble yourself under the mighty hand of god.
  4. That's right! Amen, LOLA, and amen LOVE...I do believe that God is using this for your good, especially, He wants us to trust Him, and not be stressed out. When God knows that there are things you cannot handle, He will either move those things or move us, but only for our good. It will all work out. Remember the times that He has rescued you before. He has never failed you. He may not have done what you wanted Him to do, but He knows what He needs to do for you in order that He never fails you. And that means that He has to say no to our will so that He can be good to us on a whole nutha level.
  5. Thanks, dreamy one (dreamster). PS, Kimie, I forgot to update and say that you want to make sure that God is moving you to take your case to the next level. God always knows what was best for us. It may be that God is inciting your Director to move you to the new shift. There could be something that would not allow you to make it to work in a timely fashion. Remember, school's almost out, and that begets traffic pattern changes, more activity on the highways...etc. God can give you a revelation on why this is happening, and I am standing in agreement with you that he will. Nothing will ever happen to you, as a Saint, that God will not use for your good, becfause you love Him and are called according to His purpose. Now, I am not saying that the change will be pleasant, but it could be that what the Director means for evil will be good for you in the end. Also, does this mean that you will be seeing less of the Director??? God knows just what you are able to withstand.
  6. Amen, thank you for your faithfulness, Lord!!!
  7. Psalm 75:1 We give thanks to you, O God, we give thanks, for your Name is near; men tell of your wonderful deeds. Thanks be to God rnestseekr
  8. Amen, I stand in agreement. May He come in power through you, to edify, to encourage, to heal, to deliver, to set free - all throuigh his word.
  9. Thanks, LOLA21st, my ace. I am laughing about what Vile wrote. She always cracks me up. I need just a cd of her performance.
  10. Hiya....there is some beautiful input going on here. I wanted to add that in 2000, I was going to marry the love of my life. I had never been loved so well before. He was saved, but God wanted me to know that he didn't love God, and therefore, couldn't love me the way I was supposed to be loved. God let me know that if I was to marry him, our roles would be reversed. Instead of he being to me what Jesus Christ was to the church, I would be to him what Jesus Christ was to the church. He had hidden motives, and I kept dreaming about him wearing a mask. A prophetess Green told me in great detail things that I was in denial about. Had I married him, sure, God would have honoured it, but I would have suffered greatly in the process. Our heart wants what our heart wants. That's because the heart is wicked and no one knows the heart but God. So, I would ask God to show me the man's heart for God and the things of God. Ask God to send you the one for you. I don't have anything against dating, but the majority of the time, dating will not show you that person's labor. We are to know those who labor among us. Concurrently, we should try to be equally yoked. I have yet to have to search out people's motives after that time, because God reveals the good, the bad, the ugly, and orders my steps. All that without me having to fault find or be uncertain or mistake evil for good. If you wait on God to have your Boaz find you, you just simply cannot go wrong, no matter how long it seems you are waiting. In the meanwhile, it is good for you to immerse yourself in the pursuit and works of the Lord, when you are single. It is the greatest thing a young person could ever do in their lives before they are married. It gives us the opportunity to be added to in every area of our lives, and establishes the priorities of the kingdom in our lives. Then, when it is time to marry, we will be able to be whole and wholly committed to the marriage, but at the same time, we know that God is our fulfiller and sustainer, and source for all things. Therefore, we will not look to our mate to do these things, but rather, we will only look to them to fulfill the roles that God has ordained for us to fulfill. To be helpmeets to each other. To work in the ministry that God has given us. To have godly children. To be an example of Christ and his bride. We are not yet perfect and I am not trying to deceptively say that we will be perfect when it is time to marry. But I can say that this is the expectation for all marriages and not the exception. Sorry this was so long...But I am also sorry for your loss. I pray that God continues to heal your heart and emotions, and that you remember the good times. That you continue to laugh and celebrate. But wait on God to yoke you.
  11. Father, I stand touching in agreement with the salvation of butterfly's family to be reconciled to through Christ. Soften their hearts, open eyes, and cause their ears to hear so that they may see you and hear you, turn and be saved. Cause them to consider their ways, and then to consider yours. Remove every idol, cause them to fall, so that they may only call on the one true God to save them. Cause them to know your power through signs and wonders, to know your love through the love and actions of others in Christ towards them. Give them signs for the unbeliever that they may believe. Today, Lord, let this be the day of salvation.
  12. Wow, me too virtuous. I stand in agreement with you ladies. Praise God for His hedge of protection against the evil one and his demon angels. May peace surround you, Love. I pray the Father's will be done on earth for you today and every day. Psalm 121 A song of ascents. 1 I lift up my eyes to the hills— where does my help come from? 2 My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. 3 He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber; 4 indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. 5 The LORD watches over you— the LORD is your shade at your right hand; 6 the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. 7 The LORD will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life; 8 the LORD will watch over your COMING AND GOING both now and forevermore.
  13. Amen!!!!!!! Also, Love, document every conversation now. Date time and what was discussed. Keep a journal, because if you have to go over her head, real time examples will help you cite your case to the next level authority as to why you were forced to do so. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. This is a spiritual battle, and God has already given you the victory. It is not the throne, but the wicked spirit behind the throne, and God will give you the victory over both.
  14. I read this and I could not stop crying inside, because it spoke to me so deeply. I too have lost everything, and God showed me what was going to happen in a dream, but I did not know it was going to hurt, so, or try me for patience. Mbdarrell, what a wonder word! Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord, and praise you Father. Jesus, you have never let me down...
  15. I agree, that word was so good-reminds me of Jesus by the well in Samaria, he had a hunger that food could not assuage. mb, that was some yummy Word!
  16. Kimie, you can do it. I know you think that you cannot make it another day. But don't plan on having to make it another day. Thank God for getting your daily bread today. Forecasting on having to deal with tomorrow with your boss is only making you fearful and full of dread. And God wants you to do what you always do--thank Him for today, and His love, provision, and protection for today, each day as it comes. I am not saying not to make preparations for the future, only, to trying to set your mind on Jesus. Read Psalm 121, and be encouraged.
  17. LOL...the Word is near today ya'll. Read Psalms 105:19 because God tests us with His word (knowledge) until His word (prophesy) comes to pass.
  18. God I stand here in prayer for my sister in the Beloved. Cover her. Give her peace. Shield her. I know that you will allow me to live in your secret place according to Psalm 91. Make her to be able to rise above the situation. You make her feet like hinds feet, that climb over the situation. I pray for a fresh filling of your spirit in her, to invigorate and rejuvenate her, so that she is able to wait for the breakthrough, and still find joy in serving you. I pray that she does not faint and give up.
  19. God, please bless this lady and give her the desire of their heart, that they may have a child to love that will carry on the spiritual and natural genes of their family. Enlarge their territory that where they reside may be comfortable, a blessing to them and an overflow of blessing to others. What you give us comes as a blessing without sorrow. Give them wisdom, guidance ant discernment about timing, contracts, purchase, and Lord, your will is to increase us in your way. Please open the door of blessing to them as they continue their love and obedience toward you.
  20. I will fast with you, Kimie. I think that you are being picked on because you have been "picked". Your director is allowing the devil to use her, but the devil is being used by God to make you stronger, and He isn't going to allow you to be tested more than you can bear. I KNOW that every pit the enemy is setting for you cannot work against you. Doesn't mean that it doesn't look like it from the outside looking in. I pray for God to either make her at peace with you, or to move her and her influence to harm you away from you. Lastly, I pray for the peace that Jesus promised to leave with us rest in you. There is a danger of little, small-minded people in big positions, but just keep doing what you are doing, which is honoring and respecting her position as Director. As long as you are doing what you are supposed to be doing, God will glorify Himself through you. Just take one day at a time. Praying for you always.
  21. You could always ask God for another sign. God is a mystery, but since you have presented this to Him, He won't leave you in darkness. Definitely not. He will make it plain. He woke Adam up when it was time, and Eve was there. If you have to travel to go get her, pack a bag...God Bless.
  22. I agree with Desiree. When God promises, He does not change His mind. As a prophetess, everything that God says to you comes to pass. He says, "I have told you these things, so that when it happens, you will know it is I who told you, and so that your joy may be full." Beloved, God wants you to live today in the daily bread He has given you. To enjoy to today, and not worry about tomorrow. Meanwhile, I like to think of the things that God tells me will happen as wonderful gifts that He can't wait to give me, but it is not time. Some gifts can be given just because, but then there are special occasion gifts like for certain dates and events. I like to think of Alvin as a special occasion gift that God will give you when the season comes.
  23. Yes, Lord, may all the financials and everything about the location be a blessing to her and to others by her light as your spokesperson! Confirm it for her as you promised that you would. We commit this to you that you will order her steps, Father. In Jesus' Holy Name.
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