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About nubava

  • Birthday 08/30/1982

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  1. You spoke from my heart Cholette, I've been wondering about the same question! But do not have a 100% answer for me, just some type of assumptions!
  2. WOW Cholette, this is SO awesome, I am SO happy for you, your patience and commitment has been rewarded. Our God is FAITHFUL
  3. Almond milk is awesome with oatmeal, it is lighter compared to cow's milk. Oat milk is more concentrated and it is better to drink it separately, especially on an empty stomach, it has healing and nourishing effect if one has digestive problems or ulcer, etc. But you can enjoy it anyway. In general I love oatmeal with water (I do not cook the oatmeal, I just pour boiled water on oatmeal and cover it for 5-10 minutes, I use old fashioned oatmeal) in the morning with a little bit of honey and lemon. I suggested oatmeal as it has cleansing effect on body, stomach, skin, etc. I also used aloe vera juice to cleanse my body and heal my digestion system. By the way, our Lord showed me through one dream that I should buy and drink aloe juice and it has amazing effect on me. You can also use various kinds of beans, lentils, peas in you diet, they have as much proteins as meat, milk, etc. You can make soups, salads. Also if there is eczema try to minimize processed food and eat vegetables and fruits. Hope this helps
  4. Lola, have you also tried almond milk or oatmeal? They come in original taste or vanilla, it's also yum and healthy
  5. Have you tried eating in the mornings oatmeal replacing any kind of milk with water?
  6. HLB, good to see you back again, it's really interesting as the other day I came across one of your posts and was thinking that haven't seen you around for quite a long time and tada, you came back with such exciting news
  7. So we are one step ahead of FB
  8. Yeah Cholette, can you imagine, I was thinking for quite a time, that I would like to have a "like" button this website and here it is! Let's agree that someday FB will have "unlike" button but until then we can just write in comments "unlike"
  9. And in addition to that on the right hand there are these signs + and -. What is that for?
  10. Hi Gissy, I believe it's a very individual question. I'd pray for more confirmation through dreams, through Word concerning what was said to you. If it is not from God, it will eventually melt away. Two year ago when I was on an edge of a challenging decision, I heard a very clear voice and if I am not mistaken, I heard it when I was almost asleep. What the voice told me DID make sense to me. But I was in such an unstable condition (I could also here some ugly stuff and this was not from God, definitely) back then that I didn't concentrate on it but bookmarked it for me. I just kept praying, staying in His Word and spending A LOT OF TIME in praise and worship. All of this brought me through, I remember I would put a whole cd or two and would spend hours in worshiping and I truly believe that a GREAT exchange happened and it brought me where I am now. Now two years later when I look back to that day and where I am at this season of my life I have NO doubt that it was God speaking to me. What is interesting what He told me was referring not just to me individually but my family and even a nation. And what He told me, He also backed up with His Word. I had a friend who whenever I called her during that time would start prophesying and speaking to me and she would say exact same things for hours. Can you imagine, she would say in the end of our conversation (although I didn't say anything but listen) that she was sweating, she hadn't experienced such an urge from the Holy Spirit to say all those things to me and that the words she spoke to me was not from her, her mouth was just moving. But I was in such a mess back then that I couldn't see that clearly. I was in torment and fear. I can also remember when I was praying in Spirit, I could literally feel in my prayer language a clear rebuke but in a loving way, rebuke that would tell me "Don't you see what I am doing and you are still afraid!" (not exact words but the sense of the whole situation). He basically surrounded me with all of the above mentioned and even MORE SO FAITHFULLY, He wouldn't let me go away from it. But I was also determined, I knew I was doing the right thing, I was on the right path and I just trusted Him BLINDLY AND TOTALLY, I knew I had no other way. And couple of weeks ago I was testifying to our friends this situation in details and all of them where shocked. They are non-believer and you may wonder how they received such information - they were so open to it, they received it. Praise God! I am thankful for what He has done and is doing for me and my family! I pray this makes sense to you and helps you. Let me know if you need more
  11. Totally agree and understand what you mean here. Thank for posting. And Daph, thanks for the scripture and for your add, huge confirmation
  12. HF, I read you post, said AMEN, went back to Daph's prayer and all the prayers said on my behalf once again and the prayers totally blessed and ministered to me, once again
  13. Deborah, as you wrote this I googled the scripture, I wonted it to read in the Amplified version and instead of getting to the Biblegateway, googled offered me two two wonderful worship songs lyrics, I read them and totally loved those songs. I downloaded them from itunes and I am so blessed, so the scripture was definitely straight to the point, thanks
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