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Posts posted by TheWhiteShadow

  1. Hello, Judgehopkins -

    When I dream about myself in a vehicle, it's usually about something happening right now or very soon in the future. It's also an indicator that the dream is about my own life rather than something going on in someone else's.

    First, you dreamed that you were struggling to make the truck move. What, in your waking life, have you been struggling with that doesn't seem to be working?

    In the next scene, you were shown why the truck wouldn't move: The rear wheels were stuck in a pool in a park. To me, this simply shows you that you will understand why the thing that you're struggling with isn't responding.

    The final part of the dream is the promise: The truck was freed and started moving forward. The dream doesn't seem to show that it was your effort that freed the truck. The resolution is simply that it became unstuck and moved forward. Whatever the issue is that stands out to you in your waking life as a present struggle...God is saying that you will get free from this thing that's keeping you from moving forward.

  2. Hi, Exo -

    Your husband's feelings in the dream should fit for when this manifests in real life. Since there was no fear in the dream, I do not think this is about a literal crash.

    If I had this dream, I would be watchful for something to happen fairly soon after having had the dream. Just like in the dream, a situation should come directly into your path - and, just like the dream, you should come out of this encounter fine. The other party involved will end up defeated.

    As for your husband's minor pain from hitting the steering wheel: I'd expect it to be something about the situation that bothers or irritates him...but nothing more than that.

    I see this is from a week ago. Has anything happened since then between you and your husband and another group? I say "you and your husband" rather than "your family," because I'm not so sure that your children will be involved in this since they were much younger in the dream. They may symbolize other people in your lives that you are "parents" of - other literal children, or spiritual children.

  3. Just a thought...

    The interaction with "J" could just be about someone (not necessarily literal) from your waking life who acts out/throws a fit. Since violence took place in your bedroom, the situation could relate to an area of your life that's personal to you.

    Just like in the dream, your involvement with the person should be from a position of trying to calm them down or make them reasonable...but, just like in the dream, this person most likely won't respond well.

    The last bit of the dream seems to center around not being able to get help from the closest sources (neighbors, father). In real life, you may not be able to resolve this issue with help from those you'd normally go to for support.

    The good news is that help did arrive. The help may be spiritual, since the pastor showed up. In my dreams, the police have usually represented angels.

    I'm sure your biggest question is the meaning of biting your left finger... I don't have an answer to that, but I've had dreams where something going on in "the real world" while I'm asleep creeps into the dream. Unless there's a detail in the overall situation that stands out to you as having special meaning (that is, that would relate to your finger), it could be that something happened while you were dreaming that caused the pain.

    Just some thoughts.

  4. Hello, Ispeaktheword -

    I don't necessarily have an interpretation, but I'll share a few thoughts on the symbolism in your dream that may help you identify where the dream relates to your waking life...

    First, I do want to ask: How did you feel in the dream when you saw your husband with the gun and his lack of clothing?

    One thing to consider is that your husband may not be literal.

    For the symbols: Supermarket settings in my dreams are oftentimes ministry-related. Not necessarily tied to a church setting - more like, "real world" marketplace stuff. This doesn't even have to be about a face-to-face interaction; it can be something online.

    Guns (and shooting) in my dreams has often been about words - as in, arguments or debates. If your feelings about the gun and your husband were positive, it can be about him (or someone else) being equipped (prepared/armed) for conflict - either in the natural or spiritual warfare.

    Being under-clothed can be about vulnerability or lack of protection. If the gun represents going on the offensive, then the lack of clothes can be about a lack of preparation against retaliation. Again, if the gun is about (verbal) conflict, then lack of clothes is ill-equipped to handle the response.

    When I've been riding a bike in my dreams, it's almost always been about me doing something out of self-effort. So, this could be a situation that perhaps seems fleshly/forced. The fact that he was riding it super fast could be to illustrate that this situation is moving along quickly. This also ties to earlier in the dream when your husband was running up to you fast - slipping and sliding along the way. If your husband represents someone else, this can also show a situation that quickly comes your way - and where the person involved seems unstable (lacking good footing).

    I'm not sure about the scene where he no longer has the gun - and where he dumps the shells/casings...but, it could be about this person separating themselves from the conflict - or what remains of his part in it.

    Finally, I'm thinking that the last scene with the bleeding woman isn't necessarily tied to everything that took place before it. The simplest way to look at that scene is that it's about someone who you recognize has been "stabbed in the back." I think this encounter is meant to be more of a signpost to show you that the dream is manifested - perhaps just coming across someone that stands out to you as having gone through some kind of betrayal.

  5. exo152 wrote:
    I am fairly sure the children represented animals, most likely cats and kittens, and the man represented a dog. 

    Hi, Exo -

    From the quote above - Why do you feel that the children represent animals?  Are there actual cats/kittens and a dog in your waking life that line up with this dream?

    I was honestly thrown by that last line.  As I read it, I could see how the dream might fit for people; I was seeing it in a spiritual sense.  But, you would be better able to make the connection to your real life than I would.

    exo152 wrote:
    There were all these children everywhere, and they all seemed to be a bit wild. Yet, they were running and playing and enjoying themselves. I looked down the road and saw more children walking toward the house and wondered how many more there were.

    This was the line that made me think of it applying to a group of people, at first.  However, if in your waking life there's a great deal of cats/kittens in the area, I could see how it could apply.

    exo152 wrote:
    I was an observer and I knew I couldn't stop him.

    Whether this dream is about people or animals, I will say that this line probably fits for how you feel...but, that doesn't make it true.  In the very least, you can always approach your heavenly Father about this.  There's nothing in life where you're 100% restricted to being an observer.

  6. Did your sister's friend share any feelings felt within the dream that she may have had when seeing the symbols in it?

    As in, how did she feel about witnessing the accident?  What about the objects in the car - did anything happen to them?  Any thoughts/feelings about the bread?  Did it belong to anyone?  Finally, how did she feel when she saw that your sister was fine?

    I have to ask these things, because the way that we feel about something within the dream can help to indicate what those symbols represent.  How we feel about them when we are awake is often not the way we feel in the dream, and to give an appropriate interpretation, it's better to not make an assumption about a symbol.

    That said, I'll share this from my own dreams:

    When I have a dream that involves me (or someone) in a car, it's usually an indicator to me that the dream is about something happening very soon - within a few days to a week.

    To be in a car accident can simply symbolize a real life problem or loss, but oftentimes not a literal car accident.

    Your sister may also not be literal.  My sister dreamed that I was killed in a car accident and was terrified for me.  In real life, the dream was about an ending of a relationship with her boyfriend, which manifested a few days later.  I share this to put some perspective on the dream about your sister.

    If you are unable to get answers to the questions about your dream, then here's a simplified interpretation of the dream:  Your sister's friend will recognize who the dream is about (either your sister or someone else in her life) when she learns of someone in her waking life experiencing some type of loss.  Like the car in the dream that was filled with things, the loss may seem great.  The dream shows that there is already provision nearby (the loaf of bread) and that this person is going to be fine (the outcome of the accident in the dream).  Finally, the leather jacket can represent a spiritual covering/some kind of protection.

  7. I'm going to share an example of a dream that I knew had manifested due to experiencing the emotions felt in the dream in hopes that it will help others know what to watch for in their own dreams...

    In the dream, I was at my real life job in a lab. I was moving from one testing equipment to another, just trying to do my job like usual. The floor, however, was actually muddy water a few feet deep that you couldn't see through. Even though the floor was water, I was somehow not in contact with it.

    The shift supervisor was sitting on the countertop. He had a fishing pole and was fishing for an alligator in the muddy water. Now, even though you couldn't see through the water, I was somehow able to know and see the whereabouts of the alligator - it was small, like 2 feet or so. I didn't like that this was going on, and I wished that the whole fishing thing wasn't taking place in my workspace. I felt that the presence of the alligator was dangerous. I wanted it all gone, and I just wanted to do my job in peace.

    Most of my dreams are about events from my waking life taking place in the near future. For this dream, I was expecting the manifestation to take place at work. The emotions in the dream - italicized above - are what I was expecting to feel in real life.

    The dream manifested three days later. I was at work when I received a phone call from my boss. He informed me that someone from our team had given their notice, and now I was going to be transferred to day shift to learn her job and become her replacement. I felt like I had no choice in the matter, and I strongly felt like I didn't like that this situation was going on. Just like in the dream, I wanted this to go away and be left to keep doing my present job in peace. By noticing that my emotions fit the dream, I consider the dream as manifested.

    From there, I can see that the supervisor in the dream represented my boss. The action of fishing is more or less his "recruiting" of me to fill the position. My feelings about the alligator - that it was a threat or something to fear - are my feelings about assuming this position. I perceive it as a threat to my present routine. The one positive thing for me to keep in mind is that the alligator didn't harm me in the dream - I was just threatened by it.

  8. Had a thought to add as I was driving to work...
    Clothes are an interesting symbol to me. They aren't the actual Baby; they're the things For the baby.
    It's like you're equipped for it before you actually have it.

  9. Hello, Hopelite -

    There's two symbols or themes that stand out to me with your dream: First, the theme of you getting ready for your wedding - and your concern about it starting on time. Second, being rejoined to your son.

    A wedding can represent a significant commitment or responsibility in your waking life. It can symbolize an area of ministry or a calling...or it can represent other major commitments like a business.

    Your son can represent something similar - something you've already committed to caring for.

    The feelings in your dream are mostly your anxiety - both about starting the wedding on time and getting your son back. In what area(s) of your waking life are you feeling similarly anxious?

  10. ispeaktheword wrote:
    I was really curious about these items.

    Could baby clothes represent a new assignment?

    Yes, the clothes could represent a new assignment or a new experience.
    I believe that your feelings about the clothes should mirror feelings in real life. Is there any area of interest presently in your waking life that you're curious about?

  11. The feelings of eeriness are probably exaggerated in your dream. The question to ask yourself is if there's any area of your life that feels similar. Could be worry, anxiety, or foreboding - even faintly.

    I wanted to know about the hair because actions related to hair (washing, coloring, styling) can symbolize influences to a person's thought life. Since the only feelings you had about it were that it was "normal," then it's probably not symbolic for what I just mentioned. It may just be meant to represent everyday life to contrast the rest of the dream.


    Being in a foreign country can represent being in something that's foreign to you in real life. It can be exaggerated - like something that's just not natural to you.

    Wanting to use the restroom can be about seeking rest or relief. Are you looking for that in an area of your waking life right now?

    The rest of the dream with the girls in the crowded room, the bulging walls, and the girls pressed against the grate... I just keep seeing that as people in prison/bondage. I think it's spiritual. I wouldn't be surprised if you are made aware of a group of people (probably girls fitting the age range you mentioned) that you recognize as being in need of help - or looking like it.

    I added that last part for this reason: In the dream, the whole interaction with these "girls who needed help" was a struggle for you. You struggled to get into the restroom, and then you struggled even more when you tried to get out. If you're in a place where you're considering getting involved in something that reminds you of the girls in bondage in the dream, I would put on the brakes. Your dream ended with a very real, spiritual struggle - warfare, even - for you to escape. It may be a similarly difficult struggle in your waking life to get free from that once you're involved.

    That's not to say that there wasn't a real need for those girls. But the overall eerie feeling and the demonic struggle just makes me feel that this may not be God's will for you.

    He has given us the gift of discernment. That eeriness in your dream can be an unsettling feeling in real life to warn you.

  12. Habakkuk wrote:
    Sometimes I even remember that in my dream and already wonder there why I am so worried for nothing and sometimes I only remember this after waking up. Each time I feel confused though. Why do I worry about tests I have already passed in the past?

    I think that this comment of yours says a lot about what to expect in real life when it comes to these dreams manifesting. I believe God is giving you that same message: You've already passed these tests or trials in the past...so you do not have to fear when similar situations challenge you in real life. You've already shown that you're able to come through these things victorious.

  13. ispeaktheword wrote:
    Was wondering if this was a soulish dream (because of what I secretly desire) or was this prophetic because the television was there? I know my husband and I have a call together and was wondering, if a bathroom represents cleansing and preparation could this "particular bathroom" represent being cleansed and prepared to walk in a similar call? I'd appreciate your thoughts.

    Hmmm...I can't say if the television is the detail that makes this dream prophetic. If you were actually watching something play out on the TV, then I'd say yes. But, just because you weren't doesn't mean that the dream isn't prophetic for you and your husband...I just can't say from sure.

    Similarly, I also can't say that the setting of the bathroom necessarily speaks about the two of you being prepared/cleansed. If either of you had actually made use of the bathroom within the dream, I'd be more inclined to say that it's about your own cleansing and preparation.

    Summarizing the main actions of the dream: the two of you were simply present in the bathroom, and you "revealed" to your husband that this bathroom belonged to someone you knew. Based on that, I think the dream is about someone else's life being revealed to you - and your overall positive feelings that followed.

    If something stands out to you as a manifestation, I'd sure like to hear. :)

  14. Just a few thoughts on your dream:

    A bathroom can represent a place of cleansing, rest/peace, or privacy. For this dream, I think that the setting is about a glimpse into someone else's life - in an area where they experience rest and peace.

    The red heart decorations could represent an expression of love in this particular area of their lives.

    The dream seems to be more about your feelings while you're in this place: "Really happy." "Very impressed." You should feel similarly in real life - though it's probably exaggerated in your dream.

    As for the people in your dream: You stated that, in real life, your husband wouldn't react the way that he did in the dream. If his actions in the dream don't fit for him in real life, it's likely he represents someone else close to you.

    It's possible that your husband is literal, though. In this case, the youtube couple would symbolize someone else. Since you pointed out that this was not their real bathroom, I would be open to them not being literal in your dream. They could very well represent another couple - either someone you know, personally, or via a different medium (internet, t.v., radio).

    Again, your emotions in the dream will be the giveaway for when this dream manifests in real life.

  15. The black cat is definitely something affecting his thought life. It was a statue that "came alive," so it should be a thought or idea that isn't typical that rises up in him.

    Your response to it - "It scared me, because it was so unnatural" - should be how you feel about it in real life.

    The outcome is shown in the dream as well: "It ended up jumping off of his head and disappeared." The thought/way of thinking should go away.

    I believe that the 2nd half of the dream is separate. I doubt that your grandparents are literal. The grandmother represents someone in Bondage. The grandfather may be some Elder-type figure (possibly a pastor or similar). The way to identify them is that they should stand out to you as doing something that is out of the ordinary for them - just as you noticed in the dream. Preparing/offering you food could make them a teacher of some type. Once the Holy Spirit helps you to identify that person, you'll know that it's someone connected to them that needs freeing.

    As you suggested, this is a dream directing you to pray for others.

  16. The meaning of the symbol is going to depend upon the context of the dream and the feelings felt within the dream.

    For me, cats are a personal symbol that don't mean witchcraft or curses. In my dreams, they're always symbolic for people from my waking life - usually my family. But, I'm not saying that this is the case for others; it's going to depend upon the dream and the dreamer.

    So, for your dream about the black cat on someone's head: Is there more to the dream than that? How did you feel about what you saw?

    For your other dream about the multiplied cats: How do you normally feel about cats (in real life)? If you're someone that doesn't like them, they could be a symbol (for you) of some kind of threat or problem. The actions of the cats in that dream would fit for meaning "problems" or "threats" since they attacked you within the dream. One possible meaning for animal attacks can be health issues or threats to health - depending upon if they injured you in the dream or not. Your comment about getting pre-diabetes and a vitamin deficiency: Is that the real life manifestation following the dream, or is that something that happened within the dream?

  17. Joshua116 wrote:
    then the dream shifted to me in this room at like 4-5 cats, especially this one was just constantly coming after me

    all i had was a towel to swipe them away

    In my own dreams, cats have always been symbolic for people - usually my family. But, that's more than likely a personal symbol for myself.

    In your dream, cats could still represent people. However, they could also just represent anything that's antagonizing you, like thoughts/worries/temptations.

    The "4-5" cats could be a literal number of issues or events. I'm thinking it's more to draw your attention to the fact that one stood out as more aggressive than the rest.

    The towel seems symbolic for how equipped or prepared you felt to handle it.

  18. Joshua116 -

    For the first part of your dream: Where in your waking life have you felt the Lord's peace (like in your dream) as a result of stepping away from conflict?

    If you haven't yet left the conflict, then the dream may be showing you that you will experience that peace when you do.

    My thoughts are that you've already left it, though... I feel that the part with the revisiting of the English teacher may be taking place right now. This may not necessarily be about revisiting a person; this can be about returning to something that was a past learning experience and finding that it's changed, somehow. Does anything from your waking life fit for that?

    I also feel that the motorcycle portion of the dream is something separate - I think it's more of a indicator of something that could either use prayer, or could just show you someone's desires.

    Motorcycles, like cars, can be about someone's waking life in the present. Motorcycles are unique in that they often have symbolisms of freedom and individuality associated with them. Your dad may be literal (if it fits), or he may represent someone similar. I think that the purpose of the last part of the dream is to show you that this person is simply looking for some Rest in their life right now - as indicated by their desire to place the motorcycle in the bathroom. Bathrooms are often about rest - and even solitude. If there's additional details like bathing/showering within a dream, then there'd be more of a purifying, etc., meaning to it.

  19. Destine -

    Are you saying that the dream portion was that you were in a grocery store and someone tried to cast a spell on you? Is the portion where you said that your friend wanted you to compete against someone - and the interaction with the manager - something that took place in real life?

    Whenever I dream of being in a grocery store or department store, it's usually just about "life in general" - not something work-related or in my personal/family life. As for the action of casting a spell on you - if that happened to me in a dream, I would look for someone in my waking life to attempt to manipulate/control/influence me in some way. If I'm understanding correctly what you shared, it seems that your friend may have already tried to do that.

  20. I'll just follow up by saying that my first thoughts were that the turtles were about Youth, and I almost asked if you were involved in Youth ministry...but I didn't want to force a meaning if the dream could have applied elsewhere.

    If you are looking for your son to share in your enthusiasm for the youth ministry, your interaction with him in the dream would fit for that.

    I'll finish by returning to the smallest turtle: I would suggest being prayerfully watchful for someone in the youth ministry being "hurt" - it could be words someone says in jest that they take to heart.

    Turtles are such a great symbol for youth! "Coming out of their shells" is an appropriate analogy!

  21. Hello, Pink Dahlia -

    I believe that the setting (living in a new home) is to show you that this is about an area of your life where you're doing something new - and likely something where your whole family is affected. It could be a literal new home, a new church (or part thereof), or some family activity - just to give some examples.

    The turtles could represent a lot of things: Anything from people to ideas. I believe that this line - "I was happy to see these turtles, yelling to my son to come see them" - is key to you recognizing what they symbolize. In your waking life, it should be something that makes you feel similarly happy. It's probably something that you'd also like your son to share in.

    The different, unique colors of the turtles is to show you the individuality of whatever they represent. People would fit for that...but so can an idea, a prophetic word, music, etc.

    "Each time I opened my front door, they were closer and were crawling all over one another." I feel that this line shows that this is something that becomes closer - or more familiar - the more you "open the door" to connect with it.

    Finally, the person who jokingly tossed the turtle, killing it, isn't about literal death or injury. I would view the action as someone who shows disregard towards this thing that makes you happy, dismissing one of them in a way that ruins it. If the turtles represent people, it could be something that they say that negatively affects the person. If the turtles represent an idea (or something similarly intangible), than it's their insensitive response to it that quenches that idea.

    Is there anything in your waking life right now that fits this dream? If not, this could be something yet to come.
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