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Everything posted by DemonicD3

  1. Name : Lazorxx Date : Feb, 18th 2012 Rank : Mason - Artisan Reason : He has the required hours, he also had a lot of pretty interesting/detailed buildings. More Info : Normally I would have been more hesitant, made him wait longer but the fact hes Micke's brother who I believe is a adept? Calmed any doubts that he would abuse his rank. (Note, I did not promote him because he was mickes brother. He earned that himself IMO, just saying the fact hes mickes brother makes me think he won't abuse).
  2. What if your currently not in a room, lets say outside? Does that mean you don't require to do #3.
  3. I came here for the Icecream but there was none to be had.
  4. What, 5 minutes of downtime THIS IS A OUTRAGE I SAY!. Good work, Aezir.
  5. Get some film of some noob griefers being banned.
  6. DemonicD3

    Nicknames :3

    Eric is, Ohlookitsthatguywithacactusskinwithareallysuprisedlookonhisface. I woulda gone with the long version of the nickname but I figured you guys liked shorter versions better.
  7. Peadle was on the server today, apparently been 8 weeks since she started the trial. A bit of confusion as to what her trial result is.
  8. DemonicD3

    War declared

    Everybody gave up so fast, damn. Am I the only person left?
  9. Name: DemonicD3 Position Applying for: Alien Conspiracist. Reporting for Duty Ma'am, They do exist.
  10. We seem to have some certon debate going on about griefing ban policy. Apparently I am not suppose to ban griefers on sight. I am suppose to kick them first and give them a second to chance of redemption (or grief). I told them this is how we always do it and that griefers don't deserve second chances. Is this a new policy I don't know about or?
  11. Voltage, I am not sure about. Lost, yes. Matti I don't know. I may have caught Voltage spherehing novices, him or tuutti. Can't tell.
  12. DemonicD3

    War declared

    This is a declaration of war.
  13. DemonicD3

    War declared

    I'm joining my side, I can always trust myself.
  14. What I love skittles, not in huge numbers but from time to time they are awesome.
  15. I like how you formed that sentence frogger, it was jolly good my good sir. Hip Hip Fruit Looups.
  16. Crunch* would be the correct spelling of that word. You and Eric are far too kind my good sirs. Hip Hip Count Chocoujula
  17. Why thank you again kind sir, I told my English teacher my grammar still needed work. Hip Hip Captain Cruuuanch.
  18. Thank you kind sir for correcting my improper grammar. Hip Hip Cherrio.
  19. He told me to tell you, he said hi back and that he thinks your shoes are cool.
  20. This person I know across the street.
  21. Because I like doing you. Makes sense, alright all is forgiven. I'm just going to turn out this light... (not related)... *cough*.
  22. Why you gotta do me like that Eric.
  23. I wasnt at all corrected xD Yes you were you tried to put "u" in the command /colors and i corrected you by telling you the command didn't have the "u" in colors. You can not argue with my logic as i am insane therefor in my mined i am never wrong. Or the command itself is wrong and Lost is right in the sense that U belongs in colour because English was created by the English and in there language colour is spelled with a u.
  24. Grats on finding the creepiest looking face on the interwebs frogger.
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