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Posts posted by Sheppard250

  1. Zhuge wrote:
    in that case

    Heres my next idea

    Rank Name
    Hour Req
    Cash Req
    Vote Req
    Chat Req
    Build Req
    House Count
    Per day Cash?.
    Adv. Builder

    Well I like Z's idea,

    only thing is what about classic as you know a player has to be artisan on classic to get veteran so are we dismissing it now?

  2. I have just learn that there is talk of Kisuke using my account to play SMP I presume other SMP servers as well

    This is completely untrue as she doesn't know my password to my account, Dingus told me that several people are talking about it so I say again this is completely untrue

  3. Sky (Skycreeper1) was talking about chopper's build was going into his farm, the area was my_chopper and maybe xXslimsyXx as she did help out first and then chopper got kicked from town (Stardust), I can't remember the rest but ask Sky.
    Sky asked me to investigate and I went and looked, I asked 11 to come and help me, he asked me if it was ok to move chopper's build, I said ok I thought it was ok as we do it in classic i.e we move stuff if players build too close to other player's builds, I didn't know that was abuse using wedit to move it, I thought it would solve the argument, 11 says to me that the server plugin crashed or something meaning he couldn't bring it back at that moment.

  4. My view on this, We shouldn't be allowing this to happen at all and I know that there is secret sex channels on IRC but they should be removed as a 14 year old can easily pretend to be 16 and we have no way to prove otherwise. I have been to a legal forum discussing this matter, as you may or not may know that exposing sexual content to a minor is illegal even if they give consent, as minors they can't give consent even if they wanted to below is what we were discussing:

    I said
    "well the man is in holland but the girls who at the age of 13 to 14 and they live in the US, So can you direct me to where to go?"

    They said

    "The US isn't going to go after him in Holland, if that's what you're asking. Where to go? First, go to the girl's PARENTS. They need to be notified that their children are at-risk so they can implement better supervision and computer control. Then, if you want to attempt to report that illegal activity is originating in Holland, you can notify authorities in Holland."

    I said

    "ok but does the two girls have to complain first for me to take action?"

    They said

    "No, you do not have to wait for the girls to complain before you report it."

    "You are also free to ban him from the game/forum/irc channel."

    "...and really, should have done so already. Like, the second you realized what he was doing, you should have dropped the Ban Hammer on his head. You should see to that immediately."

    I said

    "Yea I am just gathering evidence but it is tricky at the moment as we need logs of the incident to prove it, the 13 year old I don't really trust to supply logs as she has edited them in a previous ban of the same person, unless I alert the Texas Police Department so they can get the logs or at least look at them but I can't go to the 14 year old or the 13 year old's parents as I live in the UK and also he was unbanned as we found she edited them"

    They said

    "It's your organization's playground. You don't need logs. You don't need evidence. You know the guy is trouble. You don't have to unban him, regardless of what evidence is provided. I normally dislike admins/mods who perma-ban regardless of evidence but this should be a no-brainer. Perma-ban him. IP ban him. Do everything short of sending someone to his house to take his computer away to get rid of him. He could become a serious liability to you."

    also I found out that kev had virtually sex with someone below 15 years old

    I have heard that he was warned 10 times about this but no action?

  5. I have made an Realm template as we are having problems with skyspawns and we normally ask doom to fix it but he isn't on 24/7 so this world is only used when someone makes a realm and can't get in and doom isn't on (sorry if I am offending other expert+) the filename is: RealmTemp.fcm

  6. DemonicD3 wrote:
    Was doing a little building, playing with the 1.4 stuff (No I am not back) and this two dudes come on who are friends. Out of nowhere he just starts talking mad shit. Finally I've had enough and banned him. I thought this server was all AITM members or friends of friends. If this guy is your friend you can unban him or w/e, don't really matter to me. Just was tired of him. Anyways, as usual here is the SS.

    stays banned for me

  7. kevinsweijen wrote:
    What were you even doing on there? Both you and IcanBite randomly started coming here, not doing anything for the server and only causing trouble.
    I don't need people like that on there.

    kev, Kun and icanbite hasn't caused trouble here and also you said you banned kun for trolling? am I right? if so you gonna ban Po? lol she trolls and doom kinda trolls gonna ban him aswell?

    plusly she doesn't just sits in irc and nothing for the server, she is in a server that she is staff in and she is a engineer on A UNICORN server

  8. SirDoom wrote:
    Paperboy! Where's my AITM weekly?

    He's in Hospital as you can see he got ran over by a car (Doom I think it was you behind the wheel trying to kill john xD)

  9. fire_crafter100 wrote:
    CryHavoc21 wrote:
    What happened to it? Did someone walk up to Classic and stab it with a knife?

    Yes Zhuge commanded his Dock ships at it then Eric prickled it with his cactus spikes then Sharok shot a missile at it Onion threw onions at it and Doom trolled the server to death.

    haha just kidding but what I mean by it's dead is that there is like hardly anyone on we will get a few novice then and there but not much I see about 3 or 4 people on classic everyday it would be nice to get on but damn wom is having big problems

    It did pick up a week or so ago and now it's dead again but we now and then get a novice in
    I am starting to think doom is right maybe mojang is doing something to get rid of classic.
    I wonder if we can get all the classic servers off mc.net and create another separate website with more stable uptime

  10. I know that this isn't sppuose to be in here but I would like to ask what going of ranking novices from novice to builder as Zhuge has told me that we have to wait a while before promoting new players

    I was thinking of the old way, wait a while and asking "have they have read the rules" and then asking them "what is rule 3".

  11. DemonicD3 wrote:
    Basicly what volt is saying is, vanilla is that place where people visit that are too poor to buy Minecraft or too lazy to pirate it and as such are stuck in the free to play version that tries its best to make itself interesting.

    Well what is the difference between classic and vanilla then?
    People who visit classic are too poor to buy minecraft

  12. Voltzahl wrote:
    JohnsonTea wrote:
    fire_crafter100 wrote:
    ZacI265 wrote:
    Ericrb wrote:
    So clean!

    what happened to all the world's???

    It was the DeathStar it blew up all the worlds looks like Vader strikes again!

    Sooo it begins again Twisted Evil

    So Eric, where the hell are all the worlds? I bet Doom had something to do with it. Wink

    MOst of the worlds were unloaded and some are missing
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