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Everything posted by iJess

  1. I've been playing for around a year or so and I'm only on level 27. Hopefully by the end of summer I'll be level 47 too
  2. iJess

    I loveee it

    I love it when my petling trixie does this. She's so playful and jumpy it makes me laugh in real lifes when she jumps from the top of curtains and goes flying across the room haha
  3. pet picture : http://de.tinypic.com/r/2eoy69x/6 size : Avatar Size colour(blue or pink) : Blue do you want your ears included? : I don't mind Please && Thankyou :3 Can i also have writing below it please saying iJess
  4. Whoa there's going to be some amazing room building on for sure.
  5. Aw cute, When Kasi visited my pet I got a notification and kasi was in my house ^_^ I wish we were able to choose whether to have permanent guests or not though
  6. I'm close to my dad and not close to my mum. It sound's like he only want's what's best for you but doesn't know how to go about it. Your extremely lucky though because I don't get money at all. If I want money I have to get a job or use christmas or birthday money Have you talked to your dad? And about the book, near where your living aren't there any libraries? I'm from the uk and at our local library you can borrow upto 12 book's at a time and they alway's get new book's in which is great
  7. What do you want? (signature, avatar, safe trade...etc. [I will try to make it ...just be specific.]) Signature Theme: (swirls, birthday, etc.) Love/Heart's Pet name: Lucky Image or link to photo album: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=247846&id=1814357873 Any specific items you want on it?: Heart's Anything else? : Please & thankyou
  8. edit: ohhhh flying pet wall sticker then
  9. im going to have to get some cc somehow
  10. Yeah sames happened to me but it's just started now
  11. iJess

    A - Z bands

    Florence & the machine
  12. iJess

    How clever is this??

    I haven't seen Glee yet Look's good though
  13. Well hopefully they'll replace them with better stuff
  14. iJess


    I honestly can't remember LOL I'll makea new one
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