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Everything posted by Cblu

  1. Maybe she really means café mugs and she's collecting them? I don't think I have either of them in my list. Let me check... I don't.
  2. I'd thought the basin would have been sorted by now. Not even the second one was ok? That's too much incompetence on their part.
  3. (Was preparing lunch) Cool! I hope the supplier sorted the mistakes out.
  4. It's awful this is happening, but I really don't think we should now feel bad for being honest or punish Playfish for this. After all, they are the ones working hard to make this game possible and the ones most affected. I'm sure they are doing all they can to stop it, but let's be realistic, there are more hackers out there than Playfish can afford employees. I think we can all help a bit. Here's my tentative advice: Forbid cash items to be traded or gifted in the forums. Learn that unconditional generousity is not a virtue. In my experience, and of course with some exceptions, if people are being super nice and giving you a lot for nothing, they are most likely building a reputation of "angels" to be able to sell hacked items later. Then even if people notice they are hackers, they feel too guilty to report, because they got a lot from them! Hackers are not only experts at code, they are experts at human psychology. Also, don't complain when an item you want is cash only and don't call Playfish greedy or Payfish and etc. It's their work, they don't have to give you anything just because you'd like to have it. This attitude gives moral sanction to thieves and it gives them a reason to exist. They see themselves as Robin Hood, taking from the rich to give to the poor (which is really stealing from hardworking game makers to give to players which are too lazy or impatient.) Just my opinion on the matter, please don't take it wrong. I'm sorry this is happening and I hope the problem is sorted soon.
  5. Sorry, I am writing a long winded reply to the cash problem... I'm ok, mood is still low, but I don't want anyone to worry about it. Good luck with mirror man!
  6. I'm still here. I'm reading on the cash coin hack...
  7. Hi everyone! Gack! Let's hope not! Sorry to hear about these troubles. What's with companies not keeping with their contracts?
  8. F/R sent. I still need, yes. What would you like in return?
  9. Not the best mood, but I'm ok. Thanks for asking. Hi Suzanne.
  10. How's life? Everything good with you?
  11. Great idea! Apparently, I'm only missing the Red Bean Dessert. I've got repeats of: Pink Daifuku Mochi Sausage Octupus Onigiri
  12. Thanks! Sorry to hear everyone is so low. Hope things get better to you all. I'll be in and out, playing and peeking if anyone comes.
  13. I'm going to read back a bit and correct a competition mistake...
  14. Hi everybody! My mood is still low, but I think I'll be better tomorrow. Posting an egg right now. Anyone still collecting? Anyone needing stickers? Hope you feel better soon, BG.
  15. I lost my mind and bought £2.99 worth of PF cash. I "needed" that blue wig. And to bonsai an orange tree. It looks so cute.
  16. Argh, sorry, got distracted with an email which I ended not replying to. I should stop multitasking so much. I hope you sleep well, BG.
  17. My mood improved a bit, but the day was unproductive, I didn't get anything done.
  18. Oops, this tab crashed and everyone went in the meanwhile. Hi BG, I'm ok.
  19. I'm off. I'm too slow to chat. Be back later.
  20. My comment was about the first picture, if it wasn't clear... Sorry to hear. I cry very easily too, even cartoons that are not meant to make anyone cry, but trigger childhood nostalgia. I think it's normal to feel upset when children are hurt... Animals, it depends. I'm sad when somone loses a dear pet or if I hear of intentional cruelty, but I don't consider medical research cruelty.
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