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Everything posted by CharlotteLouise

  1. Pm sent, thanks for this great competition Steph It's made me want to start watching some Disney films
  2. I have 1 halloween cauldron left, 2 snowglobes, sorry i only have one floral cat, *sold other* I might be all outta golden balloon arch, I gotta check. Ok thankyou. Do you have any of the Snowman Decor or Star Wand Decor items left aswell? : )
  3. who is JLS? They're a "boy band" here in the UK, their music is on youtube if you want to listen to it : ) But here's a picture of them (I wasn't sure how to make the picture smaller sorry )
  4. Thankyou Ooooh a Porsche Carrera, I'd love one of those aswell and an Audi TT, Audi R8, Mini Cooper.......... oooh I don't want much do I I'd also pay to spend the weekend with Lewis Hamilton & Jenson Button and get them to teach me how to drive a Formula 1 car and then watch the race being held that weekend from inside the McLaren Mercedes pit garage I sound like a right mad car person don't I but I'm actually quite a girly girl lol but lastly I'd pay to spend the week with the band JLS hehe. I'd also give some to charity and pay to fly my mum to the States to get better health care for her illness and see if they could find a cure for her x
  5. I seriously loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this theme!!! Yay
  6. I had that problem earlier but I haven't been on again since to check but I agree it's rather annoying! Stupid fb
  7. That teddy is really cute, you're very talented! : )
  8. Ooooh 10 million dollars, the things I could do with that *starts daydreaming* I think I'd have to buy myself a yellow Lamborghini and a red Ferarri, oooooft I love those cars then I'd buy myself a house, go on holiday, buy something for my family and then save the rest in the bank to gain interest and make even more moneyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
  9. I completely agree, I love this weeks theme and oooh yeah I forgot about those sweets but they're yummy
  10. I'm glad to hear you've got your laptop working again Jeanie I feel completely lost whenever I don't have my laptop or when the internet is down so I know how you feel but glad it's back and you can enjoy playing games in bed again
  11. Sorry for the late reply, the Jag Plushie is 3*999 and the Cinderella Mouse is also 3*999 : ) To pay/trade, if an item is being sold in someone's shop for 1*999 for example, then you would send an item in Pet Society that is worth that amount of coins. To find out what the item is worth then drag it to the cash machine in the game to sell it and it will tell you what it's worth (but don't sell it - click the 'x' button), once you know what an item is worth then you can send it to the person you want to gift it to. For example if I wanted to buy the Jag Plushie for 3*999 then I could send something like 1xArabian Market Incense, 1xDalmation Plushie and 1xDancing Pet Figurine as they are all worth 999 coins when sold back to the shop so that would be 3*999's. I hope that makes sense as I'm not the best at explaining things um okay i'll add you then? i might take a while to find the 999 items so sorry in advance if my paying is slow :/ Payment received and the 2 plushies have been sent! Thanks for the great trade I've added +1 rep for you, could you add rep back for me please? If you're unsure how to do it then feel free to ask oh thanks um i clicked the little plus sign next to one of your posts, is that right? :/ haha im so clueless D: Yep that's right, thankyou! Thanks again for the great trade : ) oh okay coolos and no no thank you for helping me finish my cinderella room haha (: You're more than welcome
  12. Can I get: 2 x Floral Wooden Cat - 4*999 2 x Golden Balloon Arch - 4*333 Also how many do you have of the following items: Snowman Decor, Star Wand Decor, Halloween Cauldron & Playfish 2009 Snowglobe.
  13. Belated Birthday wishes Lisa, hope you had an amazing day!
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