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Everything posted by Falcor

  1. If you need a trade referee, i would be happy to help you
  2. It took me ages to perfect this NON entry... i know you are all heaving a sigh of relief that i am NOT allowed in this comp oh of course.. thank you for judging, if you had entered for real, none of us would have any chance of winning... in fact i would delete my entry just coz i would be too embarrassed to show what i did after you showed us your work of art
  3. maybe if someone else judged just your work? we'll see if someone who won't participate wants, but if we don't find anyone, you'll be the 3rd judge i dont think it woudl be fair for the rest of the entries... i say we make this a weekly comp, and i judge one week and enter the next week and so on what do you say?
  4. your impressive Ames, your technic on visual arts are fabulouse,, how did you do it
  5. we're almost there less than 2 hours yay and mega yay
  6. i honestly dont think that is true, hotmail has nothing to do seeling information for FB. its probably just a rumor but what it isnt a rumor is that hackers are all around FB and the only people who can protect us are ours selves, son hide your email, and dont click on any weird link, coz it could be a tramp thats what happened to me, furtunately i was able to change my email addy on FB on saved my acc, not my hotmail email but my FB yes, that is what i was really worried about
  7. thank you tweet.. Ames im dyingto see you not winning entry i will like to help out judging with you girls, but i want to participate lol if you make this a weekly i would love to work with you
  8. hotmail is the less safest of all mails servers. i got hacked a few months ago on my hotmail acc, i am completely sure who ever did it was coz they wanted to get into my FB acc, so no matter is the passwords from your email or FB are different, in they have your email password they can change your FB password. so i recomed to change you email address from your FB acc with a gmail email (since it is one of the safest server around) and always hide every personal information from all your FB friends who you dont know and/or trust, specially your email info
  9. do you still need more poos... i think i have some in my chest ( i never imagined i'd ever say this)
  10. here is my entry hope you like it This scene is when the Kid from the Family decides to take Petdward to his school for show and tell day.
  11. will send the payment right away everything recieved and rep added
  12. hello, me again is 3x3333 all right for your 2 Bright Fanoos?
  13. your welcome hun.. adding rep for you now
  14. hahaha i aready sent them hun... thank you
  15. i do that to when my dog falls asleep with his head over my body, i just cant disturb his sleeps
  16. all recived, but now im confused... do you mean the easter speccial yellow bird in the cage? editing: Romanting bird stand or Bird in the cage sent thank you rep aded for you. please do the same for me
  17. no problem hun... pease sent the Payment first since you are new arrival. althoug we have traded before thank you
  18. Falcor

    Looking for 2cc

    spoiling Lazar is also priceless
  19. Moving this tread to the PS chating section
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