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Everything posted by Falcor

  1. and may i add.. 1... 2.... 3... SOLD
  2. Wonderful Ames, love it LMAO Falcor will definately fallow your suggestions to keep his house and weardrobe HOT BTW the tricolor Band is a BIG NOT this week
  3. Welcome to the very first presentation ever of Falcor's Theater today you have been all invited to the Premier of The Ugly Duckling Spoiler: New improoved theater Presents Mars attack!!! Spoiler: The End
  4. 15 CC's how does that sounds?
  5. We strongly recommend that you use a safe trade ref with any big trade. Safe trade refs can be found by their badges and their name is coloured green in the online list. Also any mod/admin is a safe trade ref too
  6. im off to see Tiddly's room what i love about the new room is the way the light passes through the window, its so fantastic
  7. hello ubelong_withme i will really appreciate if check your PSFC inbox please, its on top site in the pink and purple line, second one from the right thank you
  8. i can do that for you sweetie... i will send them over... and you can send whatever you consider i have nothing to ask for
  9. awww thank you Sarah and Thank You Kasi for correcting me, for both of you
  10. wow.. if this is true, im really glad that PF is finally doing something about the hack items..... and i think i wont be accepting any admiral jackets as a payment, just in case, im not saying that they are hacked, but its really weird how if they have been NIS for a long time, now they are all over the place. this is just my opinion
  11. the only thing you have to do, open ps, click work online on your browser and the game wont close, then plant a tree seed use the fertlizer and if you dont get the tree you want, close the window, go online and start all over again. when you get the tree you want, go online before doing anything else. click save and close and you will have your tree hope this makes sense
  12. congrats to all the mighty winners... you see Rocio, you won and a big to Lazar... i will just keep on dancing
  13. PARTY TIME i think this means a polite "i will ignore you"
  14. i like lucky's look, kind of rocker angel, and original i have an idea, theire should be categories you know, like elegant posh category, freeky and funny category ( i love funny outfits lol), cute and sweet category and things like that... you can also ignore me... Party time
  15. I totally agree with you fine judges.. Yawo is the prettiest of them all congratz mylady
  16. mostly every good writter pics the perfect name for thier characters, its not random. as an actor the first thing you have to know about your character is what his name means, that tells you alot of how that character is i didnt know that Verucca meant something related with pain, and it suits perfectly that spoiled little girl ok, back to topic
  17. now i know why Verucca the little spoiled brat from Willy wonka's movie is named Verucca The things you learn everyday!!!
  18. you have a massage or put them in hot watter.. that can help you lower the pain im so sorry to hear this Yvette, hope you feel much better soon
  19. Awww i hope they do i usually never plant trees coz im out of places where to put them, but when i saw that the new bonsai pot was relased before monday i hought that probably the tree was too, so i bought a tree seed and a fertilizer and got it on my first try the when o heard that the offline method worked aswell for the trees i didnt again and got it on my 5th try, so i madem y second japanese tree a bonsai.. it looks so fancy
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