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About lunadaisy

  • Birthday 07/12/1970

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  1. i dyed mine blue & it's so cute! has anyone else dyed theirs? =)
  2. i'm not into fairytale themes either, but a lot of my friends are so they will be happy! =) my favourite fairytales are "The Snow Queen" and "The Twelve Dancing Princesses" =)
  3. 80's music, fashion & decor was so awful that it was AWESOME. =) nuff said!! =D
  4. is there another easy way to 'auto save' now?
  5. swimming pool terrace is AMAZING!!! =) thanks again for the previews!! =)
  6. when the hackers are logged in to the hacking program that they use, the foxes in their chest will have the yellow dot. when they're not, the foxes will not have the yellow dot. so unless you're logged in and using the hacking program, you shouldn't see a dot. foxes are 100% giftable. i asked a knowledgeable friend this last night.
  7. i started playing pet society to escape my worries. i have to remember that .. and keep it like that. =) xoxo
  8. after an hour of refreshing i got frustrated and quit trying. i'll try again another day though - i want one in the center of my garden. it's such a beautiful tree! yours look gorgeous! =)
  9. i'll cash mine in please! what can i get? XD
  10. yeah so sick of talking about hackers .. let's talk about CRACKERS! with CHEESE on them!! who likes cheese??? and what kind?? i love cheddar and provolone .. mmmm
  11. i got the royal chandelier -- it's in there!!!! =) i also got the dragon doll and black glamorous bed .. so happy!! and a baby rattle =P & white out shades. i think these are the best boxes they've released so far. ^_^
  12. decrease our item limit?? i hope not! i struggle with the limit as it is. =( i was gifted those "i love ---" dresses and i LOVE them ... aww i don't want to delete them. so cute!! =(
  13. I thought Cash Shop items were supposed to be "Special Effect" only? So why are the pink pet bed and the windows in the Cash Shop? PAYFISH = So Greedy!!!! =(
  14. i love that trippy forest background and MUSHROOMS!! =) carousel -- CUTE!!!! everything rainforest .. lovely!! green stuff -- horrible!! except the drink. even though it has a stupid bow on it. love the eggs! can't wait to go egg huntin'!! XD
  15. i'm upset they took away the brush function. we lose out on more coins and paw points. how does that benefit us? also miss the "home" shortcut to get home. the town looks childish .. don't care for it. it looks more and more like petville (ew) everyday. chest organization and photo feature are cool!! =) as usual, they do all this horrible junk and add a couple of flashy things to try to sidetract us so we won't notice how bad the update really is. the new items on march 8th will make up for how irked i am, i think. the spoilers had me giggling and squealing in happiness haha
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