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Everything posted by Rayz-HWC

  1. HEY Didn't know we could offer up for your special 'customs' matey!!!!
  2. Rayz-HWC

    RAOK from Sinclair

  3. Rayz-HWC

    RAOK from Sinclair

    ...think maybe cos it was posted from this other link 'servimg' server kot
  4. Rayz-HWC

    RAOK from Sinclair

    Sinclair sent a return RAOK!!! Check the TRU Exclusive LMQ and the error Camaro
  5. ...still got the hi-Res pic? Zoom-in then quickly RuN like the rabbit
  6. But if you look 2-page back @ the Jeff Corvette art_anime hauled also no have the name on front, same as LMQ too...is it cos INTL vs USA card
  7. Most likely the Cougar wasn't in-place...it should have the same size wheels. No harm checking if it's error on the base but looking at it again....not really
  8. ...this is more like it - "digital race result".... wonder when Sinclair will plan his yearly trans-atlantic migration for the winter/summer
  9. I DIDN"T REMEMBER!!!! DOOOD why....slaughter that?
  10. Watch out Sinclair they may just 'pour' all over when your 'bullets' least expect always timing tak ngam *cis*
  11. Think that GYR wheels came off the recent FE 'Studebaker'
  12. Hey CKH thx for posting the receipt....for what i see - all we need do is order one meal and any Mini you purchase is only at RM5.50!!!
  13. Yea man...the JEJ 41 is Tuned by Hennessy
  14. Wow manyak bagus Eng-bun all sudden
  15. Hi Sahama - I believe this forum isn't worthy of your great presense & contributions. Thus HWCM understands if you exit - to hang at other forums and remain happy there - hassle-free. There were many instances I noticed you are very unhappy about the entirety of this forum - thus my feedback above. But hope is not lost buddy below are some factors I believe will make you feel 'at home' elsewhere... Other positive factors for you in other forums 1) No one else to go against you. 2) Only x1 rule...YOU BOTH Rule. 3) You BOTH will be 110% fully recognised & certified by all members there - as Hotwheels Playa. 4) No one to comment/bother on your BOTH otherwise 'unwise' posts, rants, complains, unhappiness etc. 5) No holds-barred for you BOTH to spam. 6) You BOTH will remain the top 'post-er' over at any/other forums. 7) You BOTH top ALL charts in the forum. Maybe get elected as President, while the other Vice-Chairman - thanks to all your great contributions to their forum. ***there are more but you get the idea. HWCM are only a small fry forum - trying to mature, compared to others who'll accept you with arms wide open, no questions nor hesitation to maybe nominate yourself immediately as moderator there, then work your way up till Committee level. Spoiler: Enforced by Rayz-HWCM
  16. sahama...if you posted a cow-pulling-a-cart - it won't be as un-relevant as the above pic+subject "macam zaman dulu" kan ...if you referring to the way the female passenger - then it's even MORE OT don't you think? Or shall have give you the "Hotwheel 101 - How to not be a newbie in any Forum"
  17. Rayz-HWC

    Knight Rider

    ...guess quite a # of brands...from small to large scale pun ada....lagi recently another model added to the lineup - the Mustang GT
  18. Why not just post the one car....you have a Garage of your own to post all these meticulous 'poses' pictures dy...don't la spam here too!
  19. Awesome Muscle '64 Ford Thunderbolt - Dragstrip Demon series
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