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Everything posted by hokuan

  1. Hehe, not available in Malaysia..Aish..I have a loose brown colour tumbler, but I gave it to my fren, holiday time will take from him for photo shooting
  2. Eh, havent check mine. Later I check One is from the 9.90 pack?
  3. A place for the dark knight! (demonicle wont like it )
  4. Hehe, mutt, count me in for the got milk and the cow tempo Dd! can ah?
  5. I've submitted it yesterday . (finally able to open it )
  6. Nvm Nvm, after repair u take and spam! Later I post more ferrari
  7. Hehe, because they rape the promo pack. Nice find there
  8. I would let Malaysia share the same cars as US market..And sort out the wave properly. I mean, what's the point of having 12 TH when u're not doing it once a month..
  9. Yeah, if you see properly, it's decals.
  10. From ebay, and I think it's customize by the seller..I think la..
  11. "A club doesn't get a lot better than this"
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