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Everything posted by shakz7

  1. Camaro wave? AAB and AAC is camaro code ist? nway nice find dude... how come no haul... what cars in camaro wave by the way?
  2. AD the Base of yr photoshoot looks very familliar... Ive seen it somewhere...
  3. AD i Know where i saw it and wish its still there.. DHL...
  4. in waiting for SIA promotion of RM 100 for return fare including all taxes then will drop by bro...
  5. Nice haul there bro... mind sharing which location? Looks like Jusco price Tag. Or bought it from Some1?
  6. Yush Card variation also Layan ist wakakak...
  7. NIce Ferrari's bro... 333 SP is very nice... been looking for this model for quite so time... Buzz me bro if u intend to sell...
  8. Hahaha some1 is eating the poison now for a larger scale.... , Saico normally around RM 59.90 - 69.90 for that scale if im not mistaken coz have bought a few of them b4. DA plz correct me if im wrong.
  9. Zint3000 - If senyap2 bro wont POS here... ADVedder - U know it bro... everytime wanna meet u sure will bump into green 1st.... Coolman - Thanx bro... its already june still scoring Qombee... something wrong rite.... During 7-11 promo also score the same item.... now months later same stuff..
  10. PY and Kuku ... thats the same question i had when saw the item on the peg... asked the person there she say just bring to the counter they will scan the barcode... there were quite a few cards with out the price tag especially those 2 reg qombee , $qombee and few other vw bettle
  11. Bro its just 1 $ Qombee
  12. Just Restocked with 2 or 3 boxes of Qombee Wave, 2 Regular Qombee left on the peg and only took 1 car. Went to get some TOMICA but ended up buying only 1 Hotwheels coz no new tomicas yet. Sorry HP camera pic quality is Bad, Some Cars are tagged at RM 6.50, Some Qombee wave is Tagged RM 5.90 i do really wonder... This $Qombee is very common i guess.. our GREEN King PY socers this very frequent and another member also scored this at Giant a few days back at the cashier Row, I wonder how much more of Qombee wave is there in the MATTEL Warehouse...
  13. Hahahah can can plz cross check... see wether can match or not.... Im thinking very hard have i ever been to C4 Ampang....
  14. Dang there goes my Contact.... .... Kuku nice scanning dude... hope u enjoyed yr haul.... Those playaz in Ampang TESCO now u know y there is no no no TH ....hahahha
  15. Im joining you sinclair...
  16. Kurz congratz dude... u see the greenies comming in already... its already June and only 3 waves so far by mattel... i wonder when the rest is going to be launched to the market...
  17. Sounds like a very intresting meet to kick Start the School Holidays...
  18. Tomica regular selling at RM 10.90? all location or lik takk oni?
  19. KANGAROO hurm cam kenal jer seller dia hahahaha..
  20. Sinclair takpe masuk kat my box boleh if u dont want..
  21. tembak ko haha.. dia tak tembak but rob yr hse... ask u to surrender all the HW's to him...
  22. Nice nice... now i know y in brunei my cousins can get anymore new hotwheels for me...
  23. hahah... artt cam kenal jer display case tu.. then oil can also looks very familliar jer... hurm... the tumbler still there.. better grab it fast before kena cekup hahaha.... or else sure some1 else grab it... abg AD dah kena racun nie....
  24. len kali gari dia... jgn beli! YU5H ... nak gari camane dia pun join sekali kasi beli.... there goes PS3....
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