Spoiler: after a long time of hunting and searching and trading with friends and buy buy buy.. in the end i left with only one TH to get. which is TH camaro so anyone who has spare plz lemme know yea. items for trade are as below...u may choose any 2 of them for 1 reg camaro.. thanx for looking
his a male world athlete..he's fast on foot..not driving skill..aiyo wrong person! they should have take someone who rank highest in arcade racing simulation games to test their cars instead
oh why did i skip this last time!!! arrgghhhhhh... last time found someone selling this set complete (6 cars) for usd 25..but missed it cuz my friend paypal out of ammo
cis cis!! @renji thanx for the info..saw the black gtr b4..really cool..but...really lah..TRU should have brought in more 1/64 stuff instead..what's new at uncle Jada summit?
yea can get that price there but only in 7Es and only 2008 Ferrari Racers. no new wave..i've been there. and enyo also said the 3 for $10 also finish dy..hehe anyway a gd friend donate this to me