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Everything posted by kurz

  1. this really require skills and patience! mantopppp~!! setuju dgn matbear..lg best wowoww dari myvi yg x best..hahah
  2. so much different! now that i look at it..i like this casting more than the current one!
  3. fuiyoh metallic color laah..giler best!
  4. too superb this! well thought of
  5. mannn now this is how i like it..nice..close to real one..congrats!
  6. kurz

    Bikes anyone?

    ^ the size is huge eh eh mbx bike nice lah! wow
  7. beijing not so lah but tianjin cantik pe..imo la..been there..hehe
  8. the BTTF at the side is one heck of a thing also!! congrats on ur brilliant ideas!
  9. wow now i feel like making a DD for my birthday every year!
  10. wah birthday call successful in bringing coolman back! happy birthday!
  11. kurz

    Hi guys. I am back!

    wow mutt..sanlino dah rindu kamuu..selamat kembali..hahaha
  12. oredy one day lah..still below me lah..so long one..hahahaha
  13. kurz

    Super speed pickup

    must be front engine! cuz the back will be heavy with stuff
  14. ^ reminds me of shoalin soccer song lol
  15. totally new stuff never seen b4!
  16. apa ini...i tot hassan talks more than me skrg pun still im more ka? mmmmm lol
  17. ur flickr have some amazing stuff! really great!
  18. eh dah upgrade to breakfast now? what happen to teh tarik? hahah
  19. what about your 1:18..dah "unbox" ke? heheh
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