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Everything posted by ADVedder

  1. ask your fren lah.. nama pun kawan... tanya elok elok...
  2. black bandit series rite?
  3. haha.. siut je.. aku nombor dua rupanya..
  4. ADVedder

    May's Haul..

    tu la hassan, ko tak de macam-macam hal jadi..
  5. crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! someones team have to win the league by them selves!
  6. ada orang nak racun.. aku pun tabur je.. ni belum loon meracun lagi..
  7. @net - line up lor.. me first! hehe
  8. damnit demon! go see LFC la!
  9. dang! again.. nice customs! loving the rims!
  10. rikmun, u dont wanna? give it away..
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