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Everything posted by ADVedder

  1. pm me price for t008.. thanks
  2. tq tq.. nanti aku belanja gambar tomica banyak2..
  3. TQ for all the wishes guys! Im stuck in the office working 24hrs shift today..
  4. bleh inzal tengok optimus ni!
  5. boleh menerima mms pada masa yang sama.. tu yang penting tu.. bukan 6 bulan selepas atau selepas bulan 6.. hahaha..
  6. cun! would love to see it!
  7. I'm sure somebody here do collect motorbikes diecast.. Share your collection here please? Any kind of bike, as long its collectible.. Show us your collection! I surely want to know! This is my first bike, a Vespa from Maisto.
  8. when is the next get together?
  9. lebih kurang macam tu la..
  10. dengar dari jauh macam orang main mahjung!
  11. hood ada loose thunder lolla.. ko tanya dia..
  12. dodge charger!!! argh.. nak!
  13. bang, TS already stated "Subject: Hotwheels photography. (Share your awesome Hotwheels photos here!) "
  14. I believe this thread were made for interesting pictures or creative ways of taking your diecast pictures.. So, please can everyone posts nice, creative, clean, and clear picture of your diecast here?
  15. one more thing, make sure you clean up your diecast first, to avoid dust or dirt on your diecast.. they can make your diecast looks not so appealling to viewer..
  16. looking forward for this casting!
  17. hahhaa.. ni nak kena penerangan panjang lebar ni.. hahaha..
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