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Everything posted by netmatrix

  1. When they first premiered it as a mainline, the body was metal. Now if they cast this as plastic body, that would hint the car is going to appear in some track set i guess.
  2. The color combo is ok. But this car is badly casted anyway. I think its a lazy cast. Came up the color scheme like Bumblebee just to cash in on Transformers popularity. But matt black is a good base t work with. If you dare to experiment with flouro colors, everything else looks common. But thats just me i guess. I like 7 colors on my car.
  3. Well you are probably right. But then again so many cars in the range and only few is worth buying. So this range is is going to be a year only in Malaysia la i guess? Cannot sell, won't sell anymore. Good news to resellers. Limited range baby!
  4. Cham2020, well i saw California and 599. There is nothing interesting there. If the cars were packaged in Racer backing, wouldn't it be Racer series? Erk!!! C6R reputation..... cmon!!!!! You guys were getting every piece of it everywhere like it was DD! I saw many scales of that Compuware themed car since few years ago. Sure it looks ok. But i'm sure the carrying reputation is from the blue 09 mainline car. The Dodge SRT10 is also an actual track decalled race car. How come no one got that? Still see a few in TRU just this Sunday.
  5. Nowdays a lot of the staff in 7E around klang valley knows about T-hunts. And there are a lot of weird things happening under counter too.
  6. I already got a Cadillac LMP. Its pretty. I think the rest of the cars are rip offs compared to Ferraris Racer series. I definitely would not get the other cars simply because the regular ones are good enough. So i have a Porsche GT1 & Caddy LMP. See what comes up later.
  7. I found out that every box of CARS guarantees a chase car, and there is no repeats. That means if you buy a box there would be a complete range of the wave release. This is much much better than HW.
  8. Well UCB the hamster went to HW heaven to trade for a super packard for you. hahaha Pray for the little fella.
  9. The color is same as MBX Lotus Exige.
  10. Today at MV, i busybody go and check prices. In Jusco RM19.90, in TRU RM24.90 in Carrefour RM29.90. No standard la pricing. Also found the Cars mini adventures damn expensive. Also in TRU saw CARS color shifters. But they cost RM39.90!!!
  11. This one the people portrayed inside is working class. Which is ok. But for Impak Maksima..... kids driving in souped up cars and being pretty loverboys. Now that is lousy to the max story.
  12. I just got the porsche from MV. There are only 2 cars there. Porsche and the 599. But the porsche is probably the only car i'm interested in in this range.
  13. Its no surprise i'm on top of the "to be banned" list! I worked hard to get there. hahahaha.
  14. Wow! You guys start to ban people for something you don't agree on? Wuuu waaaaaaauuuuu!!!
  15. ahh.... but then the 80's was the ejector seat days. Aryton was the last to be ejected. The last i heard he went somewhere we can't.
  16. PMR is a secondary school form 3 exam. This exam dictates if you go to form 4 or not. After than there would be SPM at form 5, which then on you are free to go on form 6 which is equivalent to 'A' levels to enter higher education places.
  17. Py can open a toy shop there. Sure laku one!
  18. The place is in Putrajaya. But some are in KL. You could find most of the making videos in YT. But the 5 series inside that is wrecked is accidental. There is also a shot of a Satria whacking a kancil, which is also an accident.
  19. Ahhh... at least i can only get angry at them and post anger here at HWC and not counter attack with even dirtier tactics. hahaha.
  20. netmatrix

    Surfin' Bee

    Should call it "burnt out heads" or "Axle destructo"
  21. Maybe some guys private collection?
  22. The Panamera is reviewed in The Star motoring section today. ost RM900K! With 4.4L V8, and a road tax costing about 20K yearly, it would be very rare. I think when the cheaper V6 comes out, then only there would be more on the road.
  23. That car is based on a baseball team. Hmmm...
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