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Everything posted by netmatrix

  1. Surprising i can score a lot of MB this time. Last time HW averagely easy to land some. MBX is hard. Now its reversed!!! I think my MBX 09 wants already complete liao. But my HW ones damn a lot of holes la. Bees and wasp can call home already. hahaha. Sure got 1 Thunt truck. But can i change it for 3 wanted cars? Can i?
  2. At first i thought the back looks like a Satria. hahaha
  3. Golf? What golf? You mean the GTI is it? Got an orange one last month i think. Didn't see any new ones. Jeep? What jeep? I was looking for heritage classics and some sports cars. I dunno why i took the Triton. But i have 3 dark blue morgans already. All the cars above one each. I don't think i want to complete 100 cars from MBX. hehehe. But you guys probably know that i collect cars that i have read about more than what is hot among collectors.
  4. Hey u know what? I'm now like Farouk in your avatar. hahahaha.
  5. At least your body is paint. Dents can be fiberglassed and painted over. You don't own a car that have chrome bumpers. Once dent, you will have a hard time locating people that can do repairs to chrome parts. Explain that to the lady in a CRV 3 years ago at traffic light in front of IBM building subang. I was first car, she was second. Auto car with no hand brake engaged while fiddling with her stuff on dashboard. Bang me. How to explain that? Stupid lady. I told her the bumper needs to be replaced because there is no one that can repair it. Its not paint. She can say needs to be replaced? She dunno only. Lastly i mouthed her kaw kaw and said i would fixed my car, but be she needs to stop driving immediately. Lest she kills someone. Lastly i quietly reported her as hit and run case. Padan muka.
  6. Thanks Enyo. Sorry i have to vent out anger at everyone. But its silly that i just am very content with having just one of each. But in the end, non at all. Which is silly.
  7. Yes i do not like the blatant self advertising of some people here that round up everything and put up a 100 foot sign board to say "Was there before you, Na! Na Na!" BB area? Sorry la i think i would have easily guessed who would have walked there like prostitute already. Subang even worse. I went to a few today. Seems like everyone of them "belongs" to someone. Like some wild animal marked their territory. 3 cars over 15 stores the whole day while working. Great huh? I don't think i was slow. Only 3 days and these people work faster than MBPJ & MPSJ does cleanup for their districts in a day!!!
  8. I dun care for the greenie. But all the other cars habis la!!! Everywhere in klang valley!! They raid 7E stores like their own! WTF!!! This 3 i found in only 1 store!!! 1 freaking store!!! Some more in some place that no one wants to go to one. Damn crazy la.
  9. If it were me. "I tak mau settle. Tapi you kasi i tendang keta u la ok? Pastu kau polish la! Amacam? best deal?"
  10. At least you still got a bunch of supercars. I checked out a lot of place... TARAK!!!
  11. I got this today. And after i interview a few 7E's staffs in klang valley, i can confirm, scalper, mega hauler, borong and whatever already went through their work. And i managed to get only this. Yes only 3 from a 7E!!! And the T-hunt also at a damn far kampung place only can find with the other 2 cars. Most of the 7E when i asked if there are any more stocks they said some person cleared their store room! WTF!!! some of the staff seem annoyed at it. Lest most of the place have a lot of MBX cars i wanted. At least!
  12. I bought A LOT of MBX cars this week! I mean a LOT!! Its ridiculous! Few from Jusco & the most from 7E.
  13. Chop em all up!!! I hate civics! hahahaha
  14. Fantastic toy! But i think they will never make such kits again. simple economic reasons for them!!
  15. netmatrix

    what i got

    Wahlao! The green TR6 just only talked about it 2 days ago, already arrived?
  16. Halloween cars have very very nice complex tampos.
  17. I'm a total stranger to photoshop (Really!!!) The pictures i made from a picture manupilating program that is given with a Canon scanner. I like this program a lot. So i'm confortable with it. I think i mastered 80% of the software through experimentation. Still the 20% are the tough techniques that i'm having a hard time grasping. This 20% i think comes from education. Which i think those studying in designing have, but is totally alien to me.
  18. CKH, can make the wheels speed blur. But then i would rather take another picture of the wheels in counter steer motion more better. But i'm lazy... hahaha.
  19. Thanks Py. I think it worked out well too. Hope it doesn't go missing again like what happened to my old Fiat 500. Thats the only copy i have. Erk!! Ahhhh.... but these are better looking cars than what bond have. hehehehe.
  20. Aiyaaaaaaa!!!!!! Elgee, your handi craft skills are reduced to making this!!!! Aiyaaaaaa!!!!
  21. Both i got from from 2 different places. HW Hot Rodz from TRU in KLCC and TRU in Parkson Pavilion. Both places last pack. And both places got a lot of dream garage. I mean a LOT!!!
  22. Its cold nowdays at night. So i decided to work on this pseudo postcard. hehehe. I have been working heavily on the Riviera lately. Its just too facinating.
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