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Everything posted by netmatrix

  1. All the cars are currently on the shelves. I thought they had something more special. Like 12 T-hunts at 1 go!
  2. netmatrix

    my hw cllctn 1

    Wow! a lot of Riviera and Continental.
  3. The mystery car is very nicely made.
  4. Its actually the same blue color, but they stamp new tampos on it only right?
  5. You want me to draw you a T-hunt device or a T-hunt inspired car? hahaha.
  6. I think you are the second guy to hit 2010 cars posting here. But you got T-hunt baby! Haiyaaa.... when la 2010 cars gonna land in my lap?
  7. Sleep la. I call the sandman come. hahaha.
  8. Py had created a machine to detect T-hunts. And he installed secret sensors at the places he frequents. Then if there are green cars... BONG BONG BONG BONG!!! Then he will run to his T-hunt mobile and go grab em before the bad guys does.
  9. Wahhh... congrats. Damn cun. But go sleep la. Like kena toto only. hahaha.
  10. Also there are quite some number of cockney cab in C4 sbg jaya.
  11. Yeah Adrian, it was in parkson KLCC about 4 pm. The magnum and charger still got 1 more unit each. And panel van is the last unit. And the best part? The cars are RM4.90 without discount!!! Pricing is the shape of things to come. Reflected with HW pricing in C4 also. Can see how "Michael Jackson" his skin is. Damn fairer than me la. And he also sport this weird Justin Timberlake hairdo and some unshaven look. Damn ugly la. What they say is true, money cannot buy perfection. It can only buy lies.
  12. All are new releases under the Custom banner. Only one car the red charger is under Pro Rodz. I should know i got almost all of them. hahaha.
  13. The picture looks like longkang dump. Elgee you gotta be halucinating already.
  14. CKH the orange Cuda i found in TRU MV. There should be 2 more since Saturday. I hope no one got it. There are 3 more Fairlanes there as well. Seems like the only place to get Cuda is in TRU. Damn strange as the green one i got 2 months ago was also in TRU.
  15. I really like the green SRT8. This color is more desirable than the grey one. The orange cuda was also on my wanted list. As is the fairlane and superbee. These 4 cars made my day la. But still looking for a California & tail dragger. GTR can kiss my azz.
  16. Got these 3 today afternoon at KLCC. Oh yeah about hoarding, i met a person who is probably muka tebal at hoarding. Its nothing to do with HW. It Datuk Khir Toyo. He bought a of of stuff at the household section and the staff was busy packing the goods at the cashier? So i cannot pay there. End up got to go inside and pay. I saw already packed 20 big bags and there are still some more plates, and stuff not packed yet. His guards was caught "off guard" seeing me standing there looking pissed off. Stupid fella, kena investigated also got time to splash his money like that. Wonder how his supporters would react once they see his "spending" style.
  17. Dunno what wave la. Can score the cars i want already happy liao. But still some are not showing up. No thanks to....
  18. Ui! The back got California & ice cream truck. hahah.
  19. Got this batch of cars yesterday in PJ and today in KL. Of them all, the green challenger SRT8 and the coronet super Bee is very hard to find. Only 1 and only 1!!! The Fairlane GT is also hard to get, still 2 more from the many places i spot. When i said 2 more i mean really 2 more. Restock or not, these few cars sure habis very fast because of the attractive colors. Could not spot the green Camaro. No California, no GTR, no tail dragger. If you are in KL, sorry to say no more nice cars since during the week. Because i only start going to places this 2 days. Everywhere there are traces of cars being hauled badly. New wave ones especially.
  20. Anyway 1 saw only 1 yellow 5alarm yesterday. Is it in demand?
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