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Everything posted by netmatrix

  1. Aiyaaaa.......!!!!!! Just because u are having an intimate conversation, then suddenly the phone rings.... its life man. Unless your phone is on silent mode all the time. This is not a decision on choosing who to prioritize, but rather you allowing the phone to be a spoiler or not! C'mon sure you are having probably an important conversation, but a phone call cutting in is the regular parcel in these tech ruled days. Though i hate to recieve calls when i'm driving!
  2. Fadli85, seems like you are quoting "Decision making" Face to face or through phone. In other words, divorce through phone or face to face. hahaha.
  3. Mass/sec (kg/s) = Velocity (m/s) x Area (m2) x Density (kg/m3) Haiyaaa..... hw cars are so small, you need 20km/h wind to blow a plastic model away la. Maybe we test using Usain Bolt to runa 9.5 just to see if his 40km/h gust of win can push the plastic ones off or not? Anyway i still dislike the fact that people buy cars by the weight. If its heavy buy more. If its light buy less. Its not calculation like gold where more cost more. What kind of a thinking is that? Better to stop collecting/ buying Hw cars if you got that kind of idea for toys.
  4. Routemater bus is the hardest to get. Have never seen any before.
  5. RM50 is goddam cheap! No wonder you are stuffing it with another car. hahaha
  6. There are pros and cons. Cons for metal far outweight pros unfortunately. Metal Pros - Durable to abuse Metal Cons - Heavy weight (not good for transportation, and toy safety) - Metal needs to be mined (Not enviromentally friendly) - Expensive to cast Plastic Pros - Very easy to mould - Cheap to cast - Lots of base colors without paint - Lightweight (easy to transport) Plastic Cons - Not enviromentally friendly - Not as durable as metal Now you know the facts. Makes you think a little the pros and cons. Also all color shifter cars are plastic bodied. Base color is solid non reactive to heat and cold. While reactive paint is applied over. They cannot do that with metal as it is only available in chrome/silver.
  7. Hahaha i like the person & passenger in the Mini.
  8. Just burn a CLK DTM in front of his face. hehehehe. *cabut*
  9. So now you got template to make more radical wings to attach to your car!
  10. Yes they are. Seems to be easier to get license to manufacture cars that are being sold there.
  11. The soldier got broken leg already. hehehe.
  12. Its not? Then he must have hired some actor. What school kid can afford a civic?
  13. I noticed that Majorette makes a lot of Euro cars.
  14. And the only place to buy them is IKEA.....
  15. Actually i wanted to buy every MBX cars. But then again the budget is 80% HW and 20% MBX. If both commit 100% i think no need to eat already. hahaha.
  16. Eh..... i think i know who the driver is. hahahaha.
  17. Thanks everyone. Hope to find more of my wish list.
  18. Saw this car also. But didn't buy. It has screwdriver for body, measuring tape front spoiler, spanars for rear wing and side arches. Gonna be like Carbonator la.
  19. Cashier : Waaahhh! So many! Buyer : I open shop down the street only mah.
  20. Cost is an issue. But in fact the real problem that zing to my mind now is toy safety. I mean if you arm a kid with a metal car and he/ she throws it at things or people. What would happen? Plastics are less damaging and doesn't hurt as much as metal landing on ones face!!
  21. If you pay RM100K for one car that encustred with precious/ semi precious stones, i mean that we could consider a great deal. But cars that are made with other car parts and he bump up the prices to that level. Is he even serious? There are tons of custom cars that look better and they don't cost an arm and a leg! If he asks for RM6000 for a car, at least it should come with custom made parts! Not salvaged from other toys!!
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