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Everything posted by netmatrix

  1. Even if the CTR is a magneficent weapon, its not a daily car. Seriously very bumpy. Every CTR owner i saw and talked to say the same thing. I think most are looking to swap the suspensions for a more confortable one. MOTON seems to be the choice after it was presented in Top Gear few months back. But it cost more than 10K for it.
  2. Well at least you are stern about that! Here in Malaysia, there is so little spanking and a lot of shouting. And even then the kids have all the leverage over their parents. Maybe i should take videos of them naughty kids from the times i always see in shopping malls. hahahah.
  3. Those BF5 cars would look right in place with Speed Racer series.
  4. Hahaha cloned item la. Duplicate account can trade one ah? hahaha
  5. All take out already! I also will take out mine to take photo!!!
  6. Wahhhh.... someone got the RM7000 Asus Lambo notebook to show! hehehehe.
  7. Sylvester : "Sufferin suggatash! I taut i thaw a thweety bird?!?!?. I did! I did thaw a thweety bird!!"
  8. Man....!! i don't even get to raba any of the 3 cars. Even when its not on my wanted list. Damn sad la.
  9. I know!!!!! Its actually cicakman. But because he was hungry he ate spiderman now ge got into this perdicament. hahah
  10. That transformers video now redubbed with songs. hahaha.
  11. I that picture local? Damn borong gila one. Sure scalper at work here. Anyway i saw a few red fairlady 350Z. But i got a problem. The wheel arches and the body is so far apart. Anyone notice that? Every box i saw also like that. Is it because the packaging push the wheels or what?
  12. I passed though this workshop 2 weeks ago. Nice layout.
  13. Even the car got patterned. Buit the reflection ain't the same la. Minor error. heheh.
  14. Kanye... kanye... kanye.... Why la you so dumb one? Got many hit records. Got a lot of money. Now you want to impress Beyonce with that stunt? No wonder JayZ hate you through AutoTune. hahahaha Since your stunt with 50Cent i think you were ok. More less gangster and more modern and a little acceptable with parents. After this stunt, you put black people to shame. You put Beyonce to shame. You put other rappers in shame. So much shame, i won;t buy your records anymore. Wish you sell only 500 copies for your die hard fans. For that you can hit "Plasticnum" hahahahaha.
  15. People have no say, its Najibs way or the Highway! We can come up with hundreds of valid reasons. Yet it only takes one thick brained individual to spoil it. So those who thought us when we were kids that unity in work gets the job done isn't right after all. So you should raise your kids as singular minded individuals that is ready to overthrow leadership to be heard. What more unity from society if there is none to be achieved in the first place?
  16. Everyone that drives should learn this techniques. Its safe if you know what you are doing. Besides this, there is also using an egg to seal a radiator for temporary repairs. Plastic bag with rubber bands as replacement for damaged radiator cap or leaking radiator. There are a lot more. Everyone should have duct tape and cable ties in their car. Anyway...
  17. Hey what happened to the spam i posted?
  18. Callaway stang not from 5 packs unfortunately.
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