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Everything posted by eight

  1. eight

    ei8ht's Garage

    beware... dis are mines...
  2. eight

    ei8ht's Garage

    thanks mr. hassan... your birthday is coming soon... all i can say it "happy birthday! anda dah sangat tua jadi pass la semua bone shaker awak kepada saya... " ehheheheh i think u got them classic bs long before me... u r the EL SUPREMO of bone shaker... gmbr di bawah ni tiada kena mengena dgn apa yg di bincangkan... just add gmbr ni to my garage... Batmobile 2 packs
  3. eight

    ei8ht's Garage

    La Troca anyone...
  4. eight


    all pm's replied...
  5. eight

    TV2 Lava Kids

    there is a kid in all of us...
  6. Eiight also collect these cars, great Those are my cars la, bang. Thanks to eight for one of those which he raoked me. yup those cars are mr. sinclair's... not mine... me just sharing the photo...
  7. awesome collection there mr. sinclair. glad to see your collection has grown since last time we saw it... here is the photo Blast from the Past...
  8. wow... just saw this awesome haul... so many nice cars...
  9. hibernating mode haul mcm... tak hibernating mesti lagi giler... awesome bone shakers by the way mr. rg
  10. where got TAMAT la mr. jonimai... i see japan convention bone shaker in the background...
  11. happy birthday mr. cham2020... wish u all the best...
  12. eight

    ei8ht's Garage

    dont have "yet" la tu...
  13. eight

    ei8ht's Garage

    hot wheels charawheels Speed Racer Mark 5
  14. happy belated birthday mr. zarnock sir...
  15. wow... mr. ckh mengganas... awesome wheels swaps... and really like your drill... ini baru professional...
  16. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG BOSS!!!! semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki...
  17. thanks for the comments fellow members...
  18. me mini custom... did it just for fun... LMKWYT maybe will do 2 more blue & red in the future and it can be the italian job minis... maybe i will swap the wheels... thanks for lookin...
  19. thanks for the comments guys... what can i do... it was just sitting there for me to make 3 to 8... hehehehe...
  20. eight

    small package

    wow u r really a vw freak... awesome hauls... i guess u also got the 1:1 scale vw beetle...
  21. eight

    ei8ht's Garage

    mana ade boss they all je major league... hot even minor league... still far far away to reach major league is taknak BS king takde pink BS... mesti da ada... entah2 dah ada 2-3 pcs... thanks mr. sinclair... u had it long time already... me baru nak complete...
  22. this mini should be this number... baru betul... hehehehe
  23. eight

    ei8ht's Garage

    i take the loose and recard got la... heheheh the pink bone shaker actually have to be loose because its from 3 pack...
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