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Everything posted by eight

  1. eight

    ei8ht's Garage

    back to my garage... classic bone shaker finally complete... thanks mr. mushroom for the blue bone shaker...
  2. you'll never walk alone anymore... bring the bragbus along awesome roak...
  3. eight

    RAOK from Thorrr

    wow the custom bone shaker looks sweet... please post more detail photo please....
  4. eight

    Lucky Find

    awesome find there impavido...
  5. eight

    ei8ht's Garage

    hijack letak awesome poison takpe no hal... kalau kete buruk2 dah lama aku delete...eheheheh anyway... really awesome poison...
  6. it is still under the hot wheels i guess... if see the photo above it writen zowees + hot wheels...?
  7. awesome design! very well card design... overall sweet....
  8. zowees is manufatured by mattel... its scale is small almost 1:87 scale... the price for some cars can reach hundreds...
  9. i only have one from all the 4 variation! anyhow..congrats on hauling those nice BATMAN set! Its soon become RARE!! and of course...the proce will be "kabooom"!! actually i have 5 set but so geram and make it loose la...hahahaha me also put la my nobody cares batmobiles... heheheheh
  10. mr. yush ni mcm thunt la skang... very hard to find... heheheh anyway the evo politia alot alot people punya cari... im also still looking for it....
  11. mr. ckh: please do not put price on the treads please use pm.... hehehehhehe just joking... see la boss in the future maybe it will be on sale.... hehehhehe
  12. coca-cola nice to drink and nice to collect... heheheh did it just for fun... thanks boss....
  13. wow exhaust swap... cool... nice custom... awesome work there mr.JonImai
  14. wow mr. ckh... i really really really like this two ladies... the tempo is awesome...
  15. mr.th: 7-11 damansara still got 1 hanging... go and grab it... thanks... glad u like it... i use to collect coca-cola stuffs last time... mostly coca-cola cans from all over the world, now slow down already...
  16. eight


    awesome sketches... in few more years can work for proton... check out this link below... and see from sketches to hot wheels car by Dwayne Vance... http://www.mastersofchickenscratch.com/node/47 be inspired...
  17. latest... more photos & details here in link below... /t368p120-eight-s-custom-junkyard#172956 thanks for lookin...
  18. latest custom... t2 bus red just added coca-cola decal... hope u guys like it...
  19. the cards looks awesome... mana boleh dapat skang... rare nie...
  20. eight


    untuk carded.btul gak tu..biasanya matbear la sbab dia rajin trun sana...untuk loose tu db muat x?? muat la... isk isk isk... lagi muat kalo masukkan db tu kat storage aku.. hua hua hua.. db muat, highway hauler muat (ngam-nyam), dd pun muat...
  21. eight

    ei8ht's Garage

    wow... i didn't know matchbox got knight rider.... emm... very tempting...
  22. eight

    ei8ht's Garage

    tipple demn... wow knight rider... best tu... dua2 dah ade ke? k.i.t.t & k.a.r.r?
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