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Everything posted by eight

  1. eight

    newbie member..

    awesome collection there mr. djaggat...
  2. eight

    ei8ht's Garage

    ala... evil bay boleh dpt benda ni... close up photo:
  3. eight

    ei8ht's Garage

    heheheh tima kasih... no problem boss...
  4. eight


    mr. darthvader, nak foldabox utk carded ke for loose? postage mungkin dlm rm5 kot... lebih senang boleh minta tolong pass je kat sesapa yg turun putrajaya then collect dr dia org...
  5. eight

    ei8ht's Garage

    thanks... completed with the help from some members here in the forum...
  6. eight

    ei8ht's Garage

    so looooong never update my garage... here is some updates... hot wheels - delorean
  7. congratulation mr xebec... welcome to the club.
  8. namanya mr. xeifu, suka makan tafu, hari ni harijadi mu, semoga gembira selalu...
  9. happy birthday mr. zint3000 hope u live to 3000 years... hehehehe just joking...
  10. happy hot birthday my friend...
  11. selamat menjadi tua en. wildspirit...
  12. happy birthday lil danie...
  13. good idea... thanks for sharing...
  14. selamat menjadi tua mr. addrick...
  15. thanks mr. hassan... good idea... canopy kenduri kawin aku letak...
  16. Here is a simple custom i did just for fun... the real mini pickup... my mbx mini pickup thanks for l kin
  17. "Dobrý den" mr. rhyanone... we are happy to have u here in our forum... and thank you for introducing your self and now i have learn something new... that Bata shoes are originated from your country...
  18. awesome idea mr. xebec... i had the same idea to do this custom before... but didn't have the time to do it... hope to see the finaly custom soon...
  19. eight

    kown custom shop

    simple yet awesome... hot wheels should make this version and sell... and maybe they will in the future... hehehehe seriously maybe they will make this version... they will just add the hook and sell then in conventions... anyway cool custom and great idea mr. kown...
  20. bowling... mcm best je... if try to join if i can leave the office early...
  21. eight

    TV2 Lava Kids

    benny lava... good one man... its hilarious...
  22. come on mr. thunderhawk... show us the money custom...
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