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Everything posted by eight

  1. sorry la mr. xeifu... got 1 pcs only... 1 more pcs my i roak my friend already...
  2. hahaha...the chrome mini mmg cantik loose thunt wipecreamer or carded mr.8? chrome mini sure mahal la punya... loose or carded no proplem la bos...
  3. the cab driver have just solved our biggest problem "how to display our collection problem...." u get to see ur collection everyday when we drive ur car... heheheh...
  4. awesome pics there mr. kuih tiow... the chrome mini looks wicked bruf... i really like it yeah.... (uk slang... hehehe) thunt wipe creamer mcm menarik... if for trade do let me know...
  5. chrome dd cum cermin muka... menarik tu... beli dd ni dpt hadiah percuma sikat rambut.... gosok pakai autosol ada, kiwi kasut ada, ubat gigi pun ada... ehhehehe bring no problem bos... but just bring to let u see only...ehheheh tima kasih... tak lama lagi harap2 hot wheels keluarkan dd chrome...
  6. hai ya boss... this is just simple custom only ma... u did a chrome helang lagi cun...
  7. lastest custom... chrome dd... dont know what design to put yet... maybe just leave it as it is... thank for looking...
  8. eight


    thanks for the awesome support mr. sahama...
  9. eight


    thanks for the support mr. fadli85...
  10. happy birthday zakuan nofear...
  11. eight


    yo bro... its..8.5 cm wide ...4.0 cm tall ...3.6 cm depth.. hope this info can help u!! thanks alot for measuring the size mr. ckh... anyway here is the graphic for the measurements...
  12. eight


    sorry boss i mlm saya xdpt join... ada keje... maybe friday...
  13. tahniah mr. rg & mrs.rg... bertambah la ahli kelab kita...
  14. eight


    hello mr.fadli85 pm sent...
  15. well said and done... the end... kalau ni pun org tak paham tak tahu la... jgn nak cari kesalahan org tanpa usul periksa...
  16. sorry i can comment on the picture mat bear post... she might be someones daughter or wife and might hurt the forumers feeling and it is unrespectful.... ehehehheheheh about atoms photo all can say is... awwww... tulin bang....
  17. ni haul ke lucky draw mr. the1uncle... anyway nice muscle cars there...
  18. nowadays a lot of people think its funny and cool making fun of others, lame thread btw like i said in my previous post... when see hot girls lain pulak citer...! check this out what type of holyman this is... what u have no respect for ladies...? wrote there "ceweknya ganteng sebab byk makan jamuuu dongs....." what if that was your wife or daughter? just because its not your wife or daughter u can say things like that, is it!? here the link to holymans post...>> /t4791p20-asean-football-championship-2010#149636 lesson here: dont be RUDE by saying other peoples post is lame and jangan nak simply write something and tunjuk bagus kat sini kalau sendiri tak betul...!!! p.s: u think your avatar is funny and cool is it? P.Ramlee already passed away, as for respect for the death you should not put his photo as your avatar? u think its funny or cool is it!!!! what if someone put a death person picture from your family would u like it...? would you think its funny or cool? wow... guy please read this comment.. this holyman calling other people in the forum stupid... here is the quote from the tread some time ago from the boycott mattel... the tread have been locked so i just post the quote here... does it mean i'm not a true hw collector if i care about the price hike....??? think before you post stupid comments....tq p/s: i still buy hw if the price is rm10 a piece but i'll buy fewer than usual though im not given stupid comment i juz wanna share what im experience in brunei...why u so angry with my comment aahhh... and this i quote from p ramlee's madu tiga..... aku bukan marah!!! tapi nasihat!!! .......butang baju aku mana pah?..... note: just give me 1 More strike...
  19. nowadays a lot of people think its funny and cool making fun of others, lame thread btw sorry i dont see anyone saying bad things about the girl... if there was a hot girl in bikini you losers hippocratics will be all over it liking your computer screens!! first of all i dont see anyone SAYING BAD THINGS ABOUT the girl.... no body is saying she is ugly or fat or what ever...! all i see is everyone saying she likes hot wheels too... secondly everyone was wondering who was the the mysterious girl flip was hitting on... thats about it... !!!
  20. here is the awek flip tu... enjoy... pandangan dr belakang pandangan dr depan
  21. i thought got mini for sale... rupa-rupanya... "mini sale"...ehheheheh awyway... awesome item there mr. oppsss
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