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Everything posted by eight

  1. wow... this is a disaster... how the japs are handling the situation well... and this is no joking matter...
  2. eight

    Enyo's RV Caravan

    awesome idea... enyo drive this to hunt for hot wheels...
  3. heheh... gd luck mr. fadli... mesti ada punya kalau rajin cari...
  4. kecik2 dulu kalau cikgu tanya cita2 bila besar nak jadi apa... jawapan mesti polis, bomba & askar.... heheheh so tu pasal la bang dah besar ni tak dpt jadi polis collect kete pun jadi la...
  5. im not sure this is new or old in the market here in malaysia... but i just got them last week... mbx 5 pack police new addition to my mbx 5 pack police... Spoiler:
  6. wow... nice photos there mr. alfagta... so many nice things to see...
  7. Al-Fatihah... may his soul rest in peace... i just saw this tread, very very sad news... i was just wondering few weeks back that danny90 did not post in the forum for so long... now so sad to know why... i knew him from mcd gathering & sometimes he comes to amcorp, i think he just finished spm 1-2 year back. his house was somewhere in usj... so his parents will sent him to the gathering sometimes... very good fellow very quite guy but once u talk to him he become talkative, once he ask me to a evo custom for him, he gave me the car and i did the custom and gave it back to him for no charge at all... he also have roaked me one or twice... hope he is in a better place... rip danny boy... my deepest condolence to his family...
  8. wow... very the cun wip... cant wait to see the final outcome...
  9. nice custom there mr. steelwolf28... hope to see more of your customs in the future...
  10. awesome error... seen this type of error before... some guy in US found it few years back... i also lookin for the enzo... hope to find it soon...
  11. Alec Issigonis is the mini designer... john cooper if im not mistaken designed the engine for the mini... before it was using austin engine (austin mini) then some models used cooper engine (mini cooper)... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mini
  12. hwcm = hot wheels club malaysia kena tukar jadi hassan wheels club malaysia... heheheh gurau je bos...
  13. heeheheh thanks for the comments guys... yes the red line is photoshoped...
  14. mr. kown... i hope u dont mind i use your photos to put in our forum header...
  15. nasib baik ada group photo... kalau tak aku tak beli kosmo smlm... hehehehe anyway awesome congratulations guys...
  16. nice custom... the wheels on the skyline memang sesuai... overall not bad for a first timer... hope to see more in the future...
  17. the paint job looks hot... awesome custom with details...
  19. mr. art ... reserve M size for me, tq
  20. eight


    because is still new and just only been folded it will slant/lean abit... after sometime it will become straight... or just keep them flat on the flat surface for few day...
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