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Everything posted by eight

  1. ingatkan pop offs.... eheheh nice haul... my eye just poped...
  2. eight

    ei8ht's Garage

    thanks guys... its nothing la compared to some of u guys...
  3. eight

    ei8ht's Garage

    finally complete my 2008 loose thunts... this is the only year i have completed the thunts... Spoiler: thanks for lookin
  4. yeeeah... yeeaah... rock kapak beb... old school rules... awesome ucb! this just made my day... mr. ckh: cover the bulu ketiak sikit... emm... mr. yush is a girl... eheheh mr. demonical: love the outfit... hehehe mr. enyo: love the red leather pants... mr. danielh: like mr. admin said... hasn't changed abit..... the rest: lookin good guys...
  5. ok found it in the their forum segment... thanks
  6. hey... who... me... where got buy... this is old one la.... hehehehehe cool cartoons... i want to read more... please post more...
  7. wah... so long never post... skali post make everyone go pengsan... heheh nice haul there mr. rg
  8. wow ganas haul... year of the tiger the tiger has awaken.... heheheh
  9. eh.. hold on a minute my friends... apa nie tiba2 aku involved in this tread... anyway good luck in the finding the blue bird mr. pqhd... sorry im also looking for few...
  10. Gong Xi Fa Cai... my fellow board members...
  11. wow... congratulation mr. ckh... hope u complete 2010 also...
  12. habis la kete2 nie... RIP... become organ donor... i mean wheels/part donor....
  13. eight

    Lucky BS haul

    nice haul there mr. sinclair...
  14. eight

    speed machine - enzo

    ooo yeah forgot there is 1 more blue enzo...
  15. there is always two sides to every story...
  16. we as the public also have be careful & dont be careless... dont have to blame police for any bad thing happen to us... its not their fault... the police also have many things in their hand not just our problem... thank u to all the police men for their service... remember they put their life in the line of duty... respect/tabit spring tuan...
  17. thanks... thanks... ur face ka? thanks...
  18. lawa ke lawak... thanks mr. KT...
  19. eight

    ei8ht's Garage

    oooh no.... i have a stalker...
  20. eight

    speed machine - enzo

    i also very payah to say... thank u for the comment... heheehhe... bos dont worry nanti sure can find punya... mr. sinclair im sure it will arrive there soon... hope u find it...
  21. eight

    ei8ht's Garage

    hehehhe... how u know la mr. cham... u didnt come for the dinner what...? u got spy la at the dinner... heheheh just joking...
  22. eight

    ei8ht's Garage

    my lil enzo collection... 5 pack enzo (close up)
  23. thank to mr. mushroom for getting me this... 1 more addition to my lil enzo collection...
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