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Everything posted by eight

  1. eight

    RT-Hunts for trade

    emm... very interesting offer there Mr. Admin...
  2. mr. zint... i might have the blue one extra.. have to check...
  3. here is some extra RT-hunt i have for trade... here is whats up for trade... will trade 1 for 1... except for Rockster (best offer) im looking for 2009 49 Merc 2009 53 Custom Chevy 2009 34 Ford 2009 37 Ford 2009 Neet Streeter thanks for lookin...
  4. nice custom... like it very much...
  5. wow... nice to complete... congratulation mr. py...
  6. i think it is still considered a bike... please post the photo la en. fadli85... dont be shy...
  7. eight

    Surfin' Bee

    kembar siam... nice idea reminds me of this cartoon in tv...
  8. nice collection there sakamoto... let put more bikes photos in here...
  9. nice can put side by side with the mbx ambulance...
  10. this issue is a never ending story... thanks to mr. Atom for the video... wish we can see his scalper face clearer... anyway check out... this is how the inside of TRU store room looks like ... just joking... wish this is my room...
  11. nice haul encik art... and thanks for the info...
  12. yes guys... this mustang fastback is a kmart color car... previous year also they have the same car in black & gold strips...
  13. awesome photos there mr. yu5h...
  14. awesome customs guys.... keep up the good work and inspire us all...
  15. wow mr. shaks... awesome haul... please bring the school busted to mcd... whan to see it in real life...
  16. yeah bone shaker will be awesome with red headlights....
  17. i think its going to be the best race ever... if not best race so far... so many people coming wooo hoooo...
  18. maybe there will be 1 or 2 more kid will join the race... my friends son... they already register as a member here but not so active...
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