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Everything posted by eight

  1. very interesting pea-ucb... hehhehe
  2. eight

    what did u eat?

    i had roti canai after so long didnt eat... bihun tomyam looks yummy... tapau 1 for me...
  3. drag poison... cant take it anymore...
  4. mr. kt: not all c4 doing this... only few outlets but hwo can blame them... they say alot of hot wheels kena curi very month...
  5. wow... so nice... shell cars... awesome haul there boss...
  6. loose is the way to go... yeah....
  7. eight


    wow... good idea & awesome custom there...
  8. i totally agree its an excuse to uncard it...
  9. yeah dude... i think it was meant to be freed... ehheheh
  10. happy i found this but sad at the same time coz they (c4) go and pack it in this "not so clever" box... (note: not so clever in other words [stup_ _d]) em.. if it was a super sure cry... why do they do this.... anyway had to loose it... loose awesome when loose... thank for lookin
  11. eight

    ei8ht's Garage

    thanks for the comment guys... i would not have completed it without the help from some of u guys...
  12. congratulation mr. nick on ur new born baby...
  13. wow... the force is still strong in u... nice find there mr. py
  14. eight

    ZT's Dream Garage

    wow the enzo looks sweet....
  15. eight

    what did u eat?

    what u had the octopus's ball? em... heheheh just joking la mr. kurz... yea i tried it once few months back... its nice... but i bought it at mid valley...
  16. awesome haul there mr. sinclair... wishing they sell it here too...
  17. thanks for the photo mr. cawan... did u guys know the hot wheels ecto is from the first movie & the JL ecto is from the second movie...? there is alot of difference... just see the ghost logo on the door... here the ecto from 1st movie ans here is the ecto from the 2nd movie
  18. wow... got wallpaper to download... cool... good idea mr. kurz
  19. awesome haul there mr. sinclair...
  20. awesome collection there mr. protoman... Happy Chinese New Year to u too...
  21. mr. ucb: i'll take the Custom Chevy truck... if no one wants the woozie bike i'll take it too...
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