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Everything posted by eight

  1. some photo from dinner nite... sorry for the quality taken from my hp camera...
  2. got meh....!? where got la... with great power comes great power rangers or power supply or power cord...
  3. i suspect u la mr. jhc... u really have the passion for hot wheels & friendship... u have gone the extra mile... Why u wan to suspect him? it just a joke la mr. hokuan... the "suspect" replace with "respect" if u watch senario in tv3... they will say it like that... they will say like "i suspect u la" which they want to say is "i respect u la".... btw thanks mr eight!! its really great for being there!! ban. misuse his power again, "with great power come great responsibilities"
  4. i suspect u la mr. jhc... u really have the passion for hot wheels & friendship... u have gone the extra mile... Why u wan to suspect him? it just a joke la mr. hokuan... the "suspect" replace with "respect" if u watch senario in tv3... they will say it like that... they will say like "i suspect u la" which they want to say is "i respect u la"....
  5. saya mau itu tiger morris minis... ehheheh
  6. i suspect u la mr. jhc... u really have the passion for hot wheels & friendship... u have gone the extra mile...
  7. cool... custom... got the mafia car look...
  8. very sad to hear this... thanks for the info... i see subang is hot area for crime... what is police doing about this problem? go to police station they will say... "ala tempat ni da biasa/selalu ada kes curi..." em... we will have to be extra careful when parking car anywhere nowadays... i learned my lesson few years back when i my car window was broken and they stole my bag & jacket... dont ever leave anything in the car... does not matter expansive thing or not... the thief will steel anything they see...
  9. nice haul there mr. ckh... and was happy to see u again... respect you for driving all the way from johor to kl for the dinner... this really shows u have "Big Passion For Small Cars"...
  10. em... thanks for the comments fellow board members...
  11. nice clean custom... nice work
  12. hope this club will be around for many years to come... ```~~~HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY HWCM~~~```
  13. thanks mr. matchbox... enter just for fun... win or loose does not matter...
  14. glad u like the CNY banner Mr. ckh... i just design the banner... the angpow was put in by mr. admin...
  15. mr. sinclair: alot of people were looking for you... like elgee said... wish u were here... anyway this dinner will not gone well if not for your effort too... thank you very much for selling most of the tickets... food: i thought the food was ok... no complaint from me... my tummy was really full... heheheh "burp"
  16. wow...awesome custom... the brand with the 3 stripes...
  17. mr. kruz: thanks... glad u like it... when u say nice then i got semangat to do more in the future.... hehehehe
  18. eight

    Anybody wanna try?

    mr. rikmun: wow... this is awesome... thanks for sharing mr. hassan: foldabox dont have that size... hehehe...
  19. sorry guy... i was just joking about doing the custom... see now kan dah kena marah dr mod...
  20. thanks for the comments my fellow board members... here is the w.i.p photos...
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