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Everything posted by rikmun

  1. chehh.....tot can cut out n frame it..xDD
  2. i saw 1 3 pack with blue mustang oso!
  3. nice one cooolman....but then.thunts value will drop...
  4. yea....see Top Gear Malaysia Issue No.16 Page 124-131.
  5. now thunts is normal for use adee....except $uper$$!!!!!!
  6. in ipoh oso same..i had never ever found even a single regular thunt...maby i din go hunting or im late...but bro hokuan,is it really tesco n giant no insider n its the mattel supplier that put those HWs on the rack?...
  7. oh!!i remember viper...with all secret weaponss...
  8. it looks like a very limited quantity of HWs..with rubber wheels sommore...RM29.90.
  9. CIVICS!!....i had never ever saw even 1!! in ipoh..damn..i had desperated for this so damn many years..
  11. rikmun

    State Of Art

    nah...as you like...
  12. nahh...they can be the richest country in the world...what they have tha most??LAND..if u are the 'penduduk' there...once you're born,the government will give u a piece of land,once you're either 21 years old or u get married i forget,the government will give u 1m to build your land...10 years ago,dubai have ntg there except desert...
  13. http://exoticspotter.com/listingVehicle.php?loc=dubai&searchl=Search&make=all&model=all
  14. rikmun

    State Of Art

    can u draw?...if u can..post some pics of ur arts here...i'll start..
  15. rikmun

    Gunsai Touge.

    A very famous touge in japan for drifting etc...enjoyy
  16. is this your office?if noe where it is..the next day all ur thunts will be gone..wakakakaka....
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