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Everything posted by RGSUKAN

  1. nice..what a number you got there...

    May Hauls...:P

    nice haul man...amx javelin very nice...

    May's Haul..

    donor wheel yang ada white walltu really yummylah...
  4. nilah 3 casting yang menjadi kegilaan ko skangni ya?..nice..congrats hassan..
  5. hehehe sendri mau ingatla bro....ni pcs yang selamat dari kena torehan keramat akutu...kekeke
  6. thanks all for your comments....hehehe
  7. wow...wildspirit got it ady....pics please.....drool...
  8. wakkakaa...aku dah takde kerja...betulla..recent haul patutnya..kekeke
  9. wow..the black one look very ganas...
  10. tonite so quiet...nothing else to do..so, just posting this pics for sharing with you all....my masterpiece kekeke
  11. wow...got bonus cars summore...baik betul abang din kitani ekk..tahniah for both of you...
  12. wahhhh...london bus...i still searching for that...whenla my place gonna restock that...huhu...btw..congrats net..nice haul there
  13. yeah...roadrunner for me...love em so much...
  14. congrats thorrr.... your fangula really nice...maybe next THUNT it will be..
  15. nah..la..la..masak lemak....la..la..la..
  16. you got that or you passed that stuff... ...huhuhu
  17. takata is putting a loose piece on auction... now that is scary... your avatar more scarylerrr...eeeeiii..ngerinya aku... btw... YU5H kalo ko macam dah bosan ngan DDni ko PMleee aku yeee...
  18. creative work there hokuan....
  19. haih ...hate when this happen...kawan makan kawan... bersabarla ya cham...

    ei8ht's Garage

    nice qombee 8...love to see em all aight...
  21. there's only one word to say bout your DB protoman...superb..
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