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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. jhc7598

    Lucky BS haul

    nice color la that at-a-tude!!
  2. bagus idea.. tapi racun sudah habis, tinggal sepah saja.. nanti kena cari racun lagi,
  3. great women that doesnt call you even if they have your phone number? *runs away quickly* +1
  4. soooooo jealous!! when u gonna raok the 2pack to me?
  5. mine already shipped in 20th Nov, from canada.. and still not reach .. maybe hantar guna kapal kot?? but the seller are very helping and he ask for a few weeks more. if not reach, he will claim from canadian post.. and this is the only my not-arriving items case so far..
  6. i suspect u la mr. jhc... u really have the passion for hot wheels & friendship... u have gone the extra mile... Why u wan to suspect him? it just a joke la mr. hokuan... the "suspect" replace with "respect" if u watch senario in tv3... they will say it like that... they will say like "i suspect u la" which they want to say is "i respect u la".... btw thanks mr eight!! its really great for being there!! ban. misuse his power again,
  7. huhu.. for this dinner, i had traveled more than 1500KM, driving on my own, but being in this first anniversary dinner is very satisfying.. i will regret if i didnt come there!!
  8. wawh, nice.. i want one too!!
  9. wah, nice haul bro!! and nice vids also bro!
  10. jhc7598

    Dinner haul

    nice hauls bro!!
  11. jhc7598

    last weeks haul

    whoa!!! new CS!! must-get!!
  12. wah, arriving home just now.. its a great dinner!! really glad that i come!! especially got 2 lucky draw, and nice meeting all u guys.. meet n know more pple here!! Great Great!! seems like cant wait to 2nd anniversary dinner, lets make monthly dinner!!
  13. mine got interior.. looks like an error!! kena mintak balik pampasan, barang x cukup,
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