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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. finished already, and the pictures is up!!! thanks for waiting, hope u guys like it..
  2. jhc7598

    looking for c6r

    wah, kumpul c6r pulak yer bro... gud luck!!
  3. yup, there is 3 diff version of delorean, each for each movies, BTTF I, II, and III.. btw these are really really gold!!! nice bro!!
  4. ^ agree, kek lapis apollo perisa pandan,
  5. yup, abg kita berdua ni mmg baik.. "Berdua lebih baik",
  6. jhc7598

    Late Night Haul

    nice hauls bro!! love that twinmillIII.. great finding~
  7. wa, great!! can even stand on his back,
  8. wah, great!! had to find this~~
  9. the first 4 for this 2004 HWs snap on edition can be bought separately without buying the playset,but the last 2 which is skyline and celica are inside the playset. so for those who want to complete it, or just wanna buy skyline or celica only, had no choice and must buy playset.. thats why inside ebay, there are listing for various snap-on cars, but no skyline at all.. Yup,Snap-On's THERE IS A DIFFERENCE!! thanks bro.. ha, when arrive dun forget to poison us here,
  10. here are additional pictures.. Interior Interior2 Close up Last post.. Owner : Haiya boss, ini kereta sudah berapa kali dah asik rosak rosak saja.. tensen saya.. saya kasik jual sama boss la kalau macam nih.. Towing Guy : uish, jgn susah hati, nanti saya bikin kereta encik manyak cantik punya, Additional.. After 1 day at garage, Owner call.. Owner : Taukeh, saya suda tak mahu sama itu kereta, saya kasi tolak murah2 saja amacam tauke, ok? Towing Guy : Okeh, no prob.. Saya modified kereta ni, ikut suka hati saya pulak.. nak masuk GT tahun depan, *GT = Grand Towing , after another day.. Towing Guy : siap sudah kereta nih.. gambar sudah masuk, rugi betul owner tuh, hehe..
  11. hi all.. now i present my second car, which is obviously combination of Ford GT LM and TowJam.. looks weird right, this car is a addition to my current towcar custom, which earlier is Qombee Towcar.. hope everybody like it, and enjoy.. P/S: Now Towing Guy can rush to ur cars faster, in case if u got involved in accidents.. Jobs done Chopping both cars, and combine into one car.. Puttying, sanding, and fining the cars Stripping paint, and spray it in CreamWhite plus MettalicBlue stripes Custom Siren Light Custom antenna Some decal applied Wheels swapped with RR, which coloured to white with blue trim. Interior detailing Replicated the original front light Some detailing on car's body FRONT SIDE REAR UNDERNEATH TOP DIAGONAL continue under
  12. i wanna see them, even tho cant get it anymore.. dapat tengok pn cukupla,
  13. sorry TS for spamming in ur thread.. fuyoo..cantiknya..mau jualke? belom sampai masa lagi..
  14. no problemo, i have just edited the topic. you are free to name your customs as long as you included the original casting name. i see no problems. : ) thanks!!
  15. tukar tukar cepat.... rugi kalu kena DQ, cantik kereta nih!!
  16. thanks bro.. btw how about my topic, issit ok for me to put it like that?
  17. taklah, nak tengok yang betul ada teknik dia, ko terbalikkan ko punya monitor, nanti ko nampakla yang betultu.. aah, lupa plak.. thanks for reminding me,
  18. ha, baru prasan, apsal "nissan" kat num plate terbalik? stail ke bro??
  19. tq tq.. eh, nak tumpang pegi mana? kalau nak tumpang kene jadi robin la,
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