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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. jhc7598

    Phone Number

    wah...sudah datuk? cucu berapa? no la, this is his granpa punya number,
  2. jhc7598


    owh, luckily our mod py not like someone tu, always like ban ban pl,
  3. great job!! love it, very much!!
  4. ha, bro addrick, looks like u gonna find this, no matter what..
  5. jhc7598

    yesterday haul

    nice one bro!! that 57 chevy really caught my eye...
  6. thanks bro admin n prabha!! i didnt see myself at all, and i cant see mr admin too.. always keeping low profile, i guess.. btw i saw mr number 16..
  7. High Voltage. Managed to get it loose from Amcorp last week. owh, now i remembered.. high voltage, featured in HW acceleracers.. darn, this adidas one is VVTHF one.. congrats bro!
  8. damn nice!! may i know what the name of this casting mr sinclair??
  9. aah, btul la, xde box variation yg hitam pnya.. baru perasan...
  10. hepi brthday bro!! @kurz : looks like write in japanese is longer n more time consuming,
  11. haiz,.. looks like the BS saga continues~~ nice one bro!
  12. GTR n GTR SpecV.. nice.. and nice jeep too..
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