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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. mak aih... this is super 10pack!! mother of all 10pack.. all cars inside is most wanted!! great one abg wan!!
  2. PM me too with ur new mobile please mr sinclair @cham : earlier RGSukan, now Sinclair ?
  3. jhc7598

    U like this?

    wah.. nice one.. saw this last time, but forgot where ad,
  4. nice one.. its good not to be that firemen,
  5. alamak, aku pkai spek, lagi bertambah power racun bro!! adehh..
  6. wow, nice collections bro matbear..
  7. lol!! oops.. xleh bising2, nnt kene ban,
  8. haha......green one ada dua jenis canon ball and satu lagi mende tah nanyer..... aku pn lupa, nnt ku cari balik,
  9. nice one!! eh nope, great one!!
  10. nice one bro!! great finding! aiseh, now mr admin become kukubesi, haha~~
  11. haha~~ looks like a joke a day keep admin's ban away~~
  12. i'm back btw how come i betrayed the fellowship of joker if i didnt join it, huhu~~
  13. wah, so many had completed it.. i, not yet choose which casting,
  14. dash yankuro!! remembering my young day.. i got super emperor and great emperor too from tamiya.. from audley i forgot the name but it's like drift king one, with green in color.. huhu~~
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