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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. me too!! had fun even tho something horrible happen to one of our members.. btw @elgee, grrrr
  2. cant come.. going to raceday tonite, .. but tmrw morning going to JB, maybe tmrw nite i have nothing to do..
  3. must buy lots of mystery card in order to have high chance to get the fairlady.. i'll buy, erm, 100 of mystery card,
  4. nice raok.. congrats bro!! kukubeh is really nice person!!
  5. ooo, thats the meaning of the topic.. LoL!!
  6. that purple 350Z is a must get item in 2010!! Purple + 350Z, warghh.. must have at least 4, ggrrrr!!!
  7. yay!! thanks for clarification mr py!!
  8. pics say it all, even tho i also didnt really understand the topic,
  9. owh, ok.. btw what about the pics from the "Latest word on 2010 HW", can post the pics there?? if really cant post the pics, please delete this thread mr admin.. btw i got from this 10pack
  10. owh, ok.. btw it looks very very nice.. good job bro..
  11. wahh, nice.. still looking for that #43 f430!! great collections bro!
  12. i dunno, i got it from 10pack, master py.. my fren bought it for me.. i'm not allowed to post the pics?? sorry.. dunnoo...
  13. wah nice!! i demand DSLR pics, huhu~~.. great work bro!! like it a lot!!
  14. oh no, 16 angels!!! six of them!!
  15. thanks guys.. huhu.. no la, just lucky to get them all.. with help of many friends, and some of these super also made me cant haul other cars, huhu~~
  16. not yet out i think, but soon berlambak la, hehe.. sure will be a hot item.. lucky for me to get it first,
  17. thanks guys.. yup, really nice this evoX, with the matte color, sweet.. @pqhd :se je sapa.. hehe.. @kurz : mine from 10-pack.. i also had seen it inside 20pack somewhere..
  18. here what i got today.. hope to share with u guys.. its not a custom, but dont ask me which series this car from, but i know its come from 2010 series.. look at the color, perfect!!!
  19. @kukubeh : thanks.. now i can join ur club ke? huhu~ @kurz : diam2 ubi, hehe.. thanks bro.
  20. wah.. ur collections is growing!!! nice.. still finding way to snatch that enzo,
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