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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. I thought you said in other thread that you changing avatar to yoda wannabe? now because of this thread, had to consider again, ..
  2. aduhai.. now become like two parties fighting for votes.. huhu.. which team i'll join? hmm....
  3. looks like i had to follow mr cham idea la, change avatar to yoda, or yoda wannabe.. btw py, u must be lucky coz they didnt fold the thunt, and put into smaller box, just like they been doing on mostly tesco, hehe.. nice found!!
  4. ^ and need deep pocket too!! btw all nice la that customs, Devil n Scary shakers.. @ckh : doraemon eh huhu.. nice idea,
  5. wah, its going into second round, wakaka..
  6. jhc7598

    My 1/18 Haul

    gotta run away from these poisons!!
  7. jhc7598

    RAOK from sinclair

    woah.. nice evo!!! lucky u..
  8. wah, new heat fleet.. but only mustang attract me..
  9. arghhh!!! new poisons!! that bringing back my desire to look for completing skylines casting which too farr to complete!! arghh..
  10. nice.. already got stripes, no need to customs it.. nice found bro!!
  11. Whyyy??? Xeifu using another avatar? i used to like previous avatar,
  12. to me , it's still the same as yours...haha!!! mine not finish yet, after a looongg time halted,
  13. ^ behold, the master has spoken!! btw i agree with bro ckh, sinclair.. ya lo, we should just accept the way we are now.. and as mr CKH n sinclair said, we dont have more demand here compared to US.. and yes, we are small country compared to US.. if Mattel sells Larry garage, classics and so on, which now not available locally, only we collectors buy them, not kids.. the reason? price. and also, demand had been made by Mattels as marketing strategy.. if got a lots lots of rare items now like thunt$ or VW dragbus, i mean every person can get 10-20 of them each every wave, who ever want to search high n low for them anymore? they'll lose interest in that since it can easily get.. but i think it's not very hard to get rare item instead, some of our collectors can get them all.. its not like u had to desperately find it.. it's not like u can't live without it.. can get it or not, its just luck n hardwork.. bottom line is it's not the "Why hard to find some cars" but it is " How hard do you looking for them?" just my 2 cents..
  14. its been a long time since i saw last error on card spelling, huhu..
  15. from sunday until last night i'm at KL, today already KT,
  16. i think py missed 'y' in 'your', so become 'our', hehe.. ok what, we all can share what.. just right click n 'save image'..
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