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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. wow, great !! as py n ckh said, especially the wheels.. and i love the black color of the gtr..
  2. nice one!! but why nmpak mcm terapung?? btw great customs bro!!
  3. owh, this one la u said earlier.. nice error bro!! not only drive wrong way, even the backlight on the front, hehe..
  4. ^yellow mini, green DD not in that wave la bro, yellow mini in BoneShaker wave..
  5. wow great.. but how come the local haul got US card?? maybe they didnt use the system US-international card anymore in 2010.. bu, u are the first to get 2010 thunt here, a.f.a.i.k..
  6. yay! esok raya!! thanks for all the wish, n i also wanna wish Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha, n Selamat Menyerbu 7-Eleven Di Kampung Halaman Anda..
  7. wow, great!! so early mods the gallardo.. nice cars, both of them..
  8. aiyak.. sinclair opening "Raya Haji" sales this friday.. too bad i cant come, btw let remind again, Its Bad to Take advantage On Our Friends' Generousity.. its must be heartbroken to see our "former item" going around amcorp, more over high price put on it..
  9. ^ looks like mr sinclair had a apprentice.. hehe..
  10. agree with both of our bro up here.. for me, i only take extra, for the trade purpose.. if x laku trade, then baru jual.. but now i didnt take more than 3 for each casting i like.. 1 for carded, 1 for loose , and 1 for trade in future, but to be honest, mostly i take only 1 or 2 for each casting (except for thunt la, thunt i take 3 sometime, ) i had my lessons last time, and not intending to repeat the same mistake again..
  11. try take a look at 7Es.. now everywhere got restock (mostly). if found Fire Eater wave, there got silver GTR..
  12. congrats mr py.. now waiting for some one to post the completed super 2009 !!..
  13. i still finding it.. btw nice car mr py..
  14. wah, complete ady.. i still dont have, erm, BS..
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