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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. wah, drooling!!! nice bro.. i cant finish yet my customs due to rain, so had to wait la yer, btw i LOVE the color..
  2. wahla!!! alamak, admin so fast.. i'm not complete yet,
  3. @ADVedder : thanks bro.. @demonicle : thanks bos.. ha, campak dlm kolam? no need la, here got banjir already, everytime main air, @cham : @ferraririzer : thanks bro!!
  4. nice.. i love the last pic!! greatest ride ever.. jokes aside, really superb la ur hauls.. fire eater, pheww,...
  5. didnt see it earlier. ya lo, i'd been born exactly 26 years ago..
  6. hehe.. thanks all.. @sinclair : i hoping soo!! @yush : aik, kene diskaun?? u'all la kene bagi adiah, hehe.. @addrick : thanks.. @ckh : wait for TrU do promotion, buy 1 free 1 then i will do the same, .. jk jk @mushr00m : thanks bro.. wishing that too..
  7. bkn xnk jual, cuma sale blom abis lagi,
  8. xde la, still kt tganu la.. minggu depan maybe,
  9. wah, nice!!! i wish i had one.. ______________________________________________ search for it n found this, ebay too bad it only for US bidder..
  10. ^ apahal pulak dgn mr admin nih??
  11. wow, nice find mr sinclair.. looks very very accurate.. @CKH : he found this at net la..
  12. nice.. more more poisons added here..
  13. i agree with mr kukubeh.. i lke the 55' chevy more than BoneShaker.. but dunno la about fire eater, since i havent get them yet..
  14. nice hauls.. still looking for that purple pro stock firebird.. btw its a nice hauls bro!!
  15. jhc7598

    what i got

    great hauls!!! all nice, even local hauls nice too!!
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