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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. nice weathering effect!! nice work bro!!
  2. great project!! love that muffler.. hope u can show the wayof doing that muffler next time!!
  3. wah, nice car starting.. btw i love the way u took the pics n background.. looks very ncie..
  4. haha.. they even sell lost mail items, nice ar post office at SG..
  5. wah, nice.. still cant to get one on my hands. HWs version of course..
  6. haha.. very not thankful la those guys.. the OP help them, but when die, just campak merata2..
  7. i got only one.. kinda hard to find this car i think.. now i remember, mr admin slaughtered this car last time, huhu~~
  8. nice one mr admin.. hope that optimus prime will land beside my house la,
  9. huhu. its more nice if can find in youtube.. running away from camera?? tolak publisiti ka bro, keke..
  10. wah, mr py still not losing his aura.. nice~~
  11. wow, greenis!!! nice hauls mr sinclair..
  12. only if he sell each one for rm6.50, then i can buy la, huhu.. owh, i forgot, got some ppl called "lesmon" selling manchidi really cheap,
  13. it is like this la, u will amaze by the way it zoomm.. so, AMAZOOMMM... wakaka..
  14. wakaka.. now even mr sinclair also become mean,
  15. that yellow milk truck are slightly bigger than hw basic cars. Imagine if you have 20 DD's in your bag, sure heavy... dont imagine 20, but imagine u carry 50 DD's in ur bagpack,
  16. jhc7598

    My 1/18 Haul

    i think Lkwanz is hokuan brother, am i right? huhu.. btw now poisons detected!!! interior pics please??
  17. haha.. even tho i not marry yet, but now my GF already sound like urs wives, hehe.. hope she will be poisoned in collectiong too la, hehe
  18. muka hotwheels, LoL!!! i wish i had that face too, easy to hauls, btw, all nice story bro!!
  19. wow!! green triumph!! nice!! so many poisons la here, huhu~~
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