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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. alamak!! hard la sis since to make 1 i had to use 2 days.. to make 10, alahai.. n its sure cost a lot since pendrive must be use to make this.. btw thanks sis.. really appreciate it!!
  2. no la, other car's interior.. purple passion's interior kinda plain, so i transplant the new interior,
  3. huhu.. 4th car just need minor detailing only.. btw thanks..
  4. nice.. blue, like PLKN uniform,
  5. Hi all.. sorry for posting my customs again n again n again.. u'all quite bored already, i think, huhu~~ boring pn boring la, btw i had to show this.. here my 3rd car this month, 4th car will take about couple weeks i thinks, since i had exam until next 3 weeks.. and sorry for lack of pictures.. forgot to transfer from camera.. and now, this baby safely (i think) at hands of new owner.. btw thanks for looking..
  6. long time no update.. i heard this a long time ago, just now remembered it, huhu.. Mana - Mana~~
  7. alamak, new poison had been spread!! Nooooo~~
  8. when its come to custom, no need to rush it bro.. u can do it slow n steady.. btw its nice..
  9. nice.. owh,even tho u didnt custom the axle, so nice coz its fit perfectly wah, offensive words.. admin, punish this guy.. eh wait, he is the admin,
  10. way to go bro!! only last weekend we told u that finding t-hunt is based on luck, then wah, u got not only the thunt, but thunt$ summore!! nice.. mr admin, inglee already got his fire eater, u bila lagi,
  11. wah, nice.. still looking for that tooligan..
  12. huhu.. my fav spot, kuantan!! sis, do you live at kuantan?? u can try East Coast mall, parkson, Kuantan parade, 7e, and many more.. kuantan had not many collectors as KL or JB, so u might find lots of surprise here!! good luck sis!!
  13. totally agree, huhu!! but wait, if got no HotWheels, maybe spend money on other toys pulak,
  14. ya la, WOW, soooo manyyy!!!!
  15. tkojut den, bukak² ada gambo kucing!! btw hepi birthday bro!!! smoga panjang umur, n trus hauling!!!
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