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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. nice one.. looks like someone spending quite lot last weekend, huhu~ btw all nice hauls bro.. love those funny car!!
  2. wah, congrats bro!! heard about it before, but i dunno u already change ur job, i think u wanna do it next year.. btw have a nice work at new workplace.. u sell, mr admin repair, huhu..
  3. still searching for green DD~~ btw nice hauls dude
  4. its error.. btw its also nice if tempo become senget like that,
  5. just cover it with blacktape lo.. no need sanding it.. eh, its already black, no need black tape.
  6. jhc7598

    RAOK from praba71

    wow nice!!! white wall RR!!! nice, n bling bling!!
  7. wah, got mustang ady.. mr admin musti jeles, or he had it already??
  8. not eh?? i just saw it like plastic, maybe the paint, huhu.. never open one myself.. thanks bro cham, for clearing this..
  9. conclusion, don't rely heavily on markers............. mask and spray aku nak try sanding bonnet dengan sandpaper nanti pakai tape dahla..
  10. that TH '34 ford is plastic casting right??
  11. nice one bro!! looks very poisoning!! huhu~~
  12. jhc7598

    Fastest Snow Cat

    alamak, ken block done this?? nice!!!
  13. ya lor.. but this weekend i cant go, so u guys enjoys la..
  14. plus it comes with RR wheel ..
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